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Text Display possible?

Hello, Audiosculpters,

May I please ask if there is a way to graphically see the contents of a text parameter file within Audiosculpt? For instance, if I (or a program) write a “band filter” file, can I load it into the graphical window of AS so as to see how it looks like?
Thank you in advance.


Hi Marco,

If you want to create or modify the file format directly then you have to use the SDIF /Easdif library. But an explanation on how to use it is beyond the simple scope of this topic. It is written in C++ but you could use it in Python, or Java. (or in OpenMusic i believe too)

Currently, a first approach/way to “see” how it looks like would be to save a Treatment file and drop the .trt file on the SDIFToText.app droplet (the SDIFToText utility is located in AudioSculpt X.X.X/SDIF Utilities/Droplets/SDIFToText.app) to create a Text representation of the SDIF treatment file.

Here is an example of the relevant part in the produced Text file :


ASTI	3	0	0  
  ztim	0x0008	1	2  
	0	54.028  
  zfrq	0x0008	1	2  
	0	11025  
  zamp	0x0008	1	2  
	-1	1  

1ASO	6	1	0  
  clss	0x0301	1	4  
	'B'	'a'	'n'	'd'  
  trid	0x0104	1	1  
  dura	0x0004	1	1  
  bpis	0x0101	1	1  
  bpdm	0x0104	1	2  
	3	3  
  bpdt	0x0004	6	2  
	0	390  
	26.1739	3261.48  
	60	390  
	0	490  
	26.1739	6663.02  
	60	490  


This describe a 60 seconds band pass filter with one band
‘clss’ represent the type of filter in AS, here a band filter ‘b’, ‘a’, ‘n’, ‘d’ (this should not be modified)
‘dura’ is the duration : here its value is 60 (seconds)
‘bpis’ is a band pass (=1) or band reject (=0)
‘bpdm’ describe the layout/dimensions. number of rows = number of bands, number of columns = usually 2 per band
each band contains two bpfs describing the lower points part (time, frequency) and the higher points part (time, frequency)
those two bpfs should always have the same number of points of course for one single band.

‘bpdt’ is the band pass data containing consecutively the points for each low/high part of each band. For one band, the low points part is described first, then the high points part.

In the given example only one band with 3 points is described so in the data section we will have 3 x 2 = 6 rows and 2 columns = points (time, freq) data
the 3 points of bottom part of the band are described first (the 3 first row), then are described the 3 highest part points.

If you plan to modify the representation you can directly change the numbers and add (or remove points, bands) directly in the Text representation and then use the SDIFToText droplet to re-create an sdif representation from the modified text form.
BUT BE CAREFUL and make sure to update each signature data in order to have a valid representation which can be loaded lately by AudioSculpt.

That’s the only way i believe to do it.

Best regards,

You can find additional descriptions of the SDIF signatures in the beginning of the TRT SDIF File such as these ones
bpis is_bandpass;
bpdm bandpass_dimensions_matrix;
bpdt bandpass_data;
bpit bandpass_interval_type;
bpbt bandpass_bandwidth_info;
bpcf bandpass_original_center_frequency;

Dear Charles,

Thank you very much for you thorough reply.
It took me some time to make a (hand made) attempt that was successful. As you pointed out, writing an SDIF-file by hand is really not practical, and it is very easy to make mistakes. I will see how to produce it from OpenMusic.
One additional question: the parameter file (stored in Temp/) of other treatments (such as breakpoint filters) is a binary file (also SDIF?). How is it possible to modify it or have it written automatically by a program? Will text files for parameter files in the future be abandoned? In this case, it may be worth to write an OpenMusic library to produce them from text data already from now.
All the best,


Dear Marco,
since I’d be very interested in producing a TRT SDIF from OpenMusic, would you be so kind to share your results (even by PM, if you prefer) about it, especially when you’ll finally get an OM lisp patch? Thanks for your concern.
Best regards,
Francesco Vitale

Dear Francesco,

OF course I can share my results as soon as I have them. For the time being, I will go back to the OM-AS library and see if I can adapt the produced text files to SDIF. It will take some time, however. Hope to get something concrete during the summer or early fall.
Keep you updated!



Hi all,

I found it very frustrating typing in text files when I really wanted to see a visual representation of everything. So I wrote a patch in Max/MSP that lets you draw the parameters for a General Cross-Synthesis parameter file, as described in Mario Mary’s handbook on AS Cross-Synthesis (Ircam Documentation, April 1996). It can be found in my most recent post on the cycling74 website at https://cycling74.com/forums/topic/converting-function-information-to-text-files/

Let me know if it helps!

By the way, speaking of Mary does ANYONE know where I can find the audio links that Mario Mary’s ‘Audiosculpt - Cross Synthesis Handbook’??? It talks about very interesting ideas but I can’t find any audio links for it.


FunctionstoAsculptParaFileG.maxpat (70.2 KB)