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Test on Max 7 Win x64 MuBu 1.8.3

Hi all,
great to see MuBu on Win x64/x32

A couple of findings.
The help file for mubu.additive~ miss the final tilde so it won’t load.
The usual folder to install Max packages on Win is Documents/Max 7/Packages.
The MuBu installer installs in another directory and i’ve got to move from there to the “usual” one for the mubu objects to be seens.
When i instantiate any tilde mubu objects i have a “no MuBu container” warning but the objects just work correctly as far as i can see ( no confidence with the MuBu stuff…still :slight_smile: )

many thanks and i hope to be useful in testing.


Hi Alfonso,

  1. true, I’ll fix in the next release
  2. which installer you used? Max7/Win32 or Max7/Win64? And where were the objects after installation?
  3. Strange, I’ve just tested the objects but I’ve no this message.

thanks for the reports!

Hi Riccardo.

  1. good!
  2. i used the Max7/Win64. The objects where in C:\ProgramData\Max 7\Packages\MuBuForMax. But Max 7 didn’t see the externals so I moved to C:\Users\Live Machine\Documents\Max 7\Packages\MuBuForMax ( where all the other packages are )
  3. maybe related to dir structure/location of the MuBu dir after i did the move?

a pleasure to test externals compiled for Win ( they are so rare! even here at ircam :slight_smile: )

strange because C:\ProgramData\Max 7\Packages\ is the default place for Packages (for all the Users on your pc)
and Max7 should find it there… the location were you moved the package is the other default location, but just for the single user “Live Machine”.
Maybe an access right problem? About the warning message, are you sure that no other old mubu objects are in the path?


I moved the stuff back to C:\ProgramData\Max 7\Packages\ and now the externals are visible.
But not the first time i installed it only after movin’ back from the other dir.
I still have that warning.
And noticing some Max crash when i close mubu tilda related patches.
I don’t have any older MuBu objects.

another question: which system are you running (window 7/8/xp)?
thanks for your help

Win 7 64 bit