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Synthesizing sound from amplitude data only

I would like to know when will it be possible to perform a resynthesis of a sound using only the amplitude data of a SDIF. This feature has been announced years ago (with a message that told that it was not already possible to reconstruct frequency data from the amplitude). It would be much appreciated if it will become finally available in the next version of AS. Thanks for your attention.
Francesco Vitale

Dear Francsesco,

I am astonished to read that we have announced the possibility to resynthesize from amplitude spectrum only in AS. I am not aware of this and think there must have been a misunderstanding somewhere. In fact, there have never been any concrete plans to integrate this kind of algorithms into AS. The existing algorithms are pretty slow - orders of magnitude slower than resynthesis with phase -, and do not consistently provide high quality results.

I may have said at some point that we use these kind of algorithms internally (but only for research and in matlab implementation) and that we could think about integrating them, I doubt however that I - or anybody else - has said we will integrate these. This would require a rather important development effort that we cannot invest into this project.

Please accept my apologizes in case I made any ambiguous statements there.

With kind regards

Ok Axel. Thanks.

Dear Axel,
your astonishment makes me doubt if it was stated somewhere in a 2.x version of AS that the OS0 files were not already synthesizable. So you confirm me that neither OS0 (with logampl data) or OS1 SDIFs will be useful for resynthesis in the futureā€¦

I would not say never. But there are currently no plans on this end.