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syntax error, unexpected NOTE

My install of antescofo is unable to read any score text file, even those which were previously working well. Now loading simple score files produces Max error message: “antescofo~: syntax error, unexpected NOTE” ! Even examples score text files in ircam-antsscofo Package folder are all producing errors.

This behaviour seems to have begun suddenly and may follow attempt to use “Build Collective / Application” command in Max 7 (?). Could that be related?

Thanks in advance.

Hello Fergal,

Are you observing these errors with a Standalone/Collective Max Patch build? It’s been a while but the last time I made a collective with Antescofo I remember I had to setup some parameters in the standalone object that was embedded in the patch so that it would find files in the path… . A Standalone/Collective won’t have the same behavior as a regular patch due (for example) to search paths which are different.

I just tested the raw patch and it seems to be working fine. Another question which might help: Is your Antescofo package on a different Volume on your machine?



Hi Arisha,

Thanks for your quick reply. Actually, I am still working within the original Max patch, not the standalone. The antescofo package is on a different volume to the patch and score files. But it was working fine until a few hours ago (on a different volume). It doesn’t seem to be a path-related issue. The error messages refer to syntax errors, even returning errors for simple actions (e.g. “NOTE G#4 ¼”).

The included tutorial file “0-BasicActions.asco.txt”, for example, is producing these errors:

antescofo~: syntax error, unexpected not, expecting
antescofo~: line 11, characters 54-55 in file ‘/Volumes/Data/fdowling/max_dev_06b/0-BasicActions.asco.txt’
antescofo~: syntax error, unexpected id, expecting {
antescofo~: line 13, characters 18-21 in file ‘/Volumes/Data/fdowling/max_dev_06b/0-BasicActions.asco.txt’
antescofo~: syntax error, unexpected ), expecting ::
antescofo~: line 30, characters 65-66 in file ‘/Volumes/Data/fdowling/max_dev_06b/0-BasicActions.asco.txt’
antescofo~: Abort loading score file ‘/Volumes/Data/fdowling/max_dev_06b/0-BasicActions.asco.txt’.

I will try loading the same files in a fresh install on a separate computer and will report.


Hi Arisha,

But very strangely, I am getting the exact same error messages on a separate machine (recent install, only tested once, but previously working), even with the tutorial files. Could it be related to how text files is encoded?



Looks like a text encoding issue as you noticed! Did you try checking the problematic text file encodings? I believe standard UTF should work fine and the bad ones should have old Lac ones. I will check as soon as I get access to Max.


Hi Fergal.
Some encoding issues arise when you open the antescofo score file with some text editor that may change silently the “cariage returns” policy : The encoding is not the same between *nix/Mac and Windows (you can figure it out using the command line “od -c file.asco.txt | more” but the interpretation is rather technical).

Also some text editor (e.g. Wranglers) may change some characters like quote or backquote or some sequence of characters like “1/4” (3 characters representing a rational number) into ¼ (only one character outside the ascii encoding which represents nothing for antescofo~) which seems to happen in the example in your first message (however this can be a side effect of the web interface of the forum).

Can you send us one of the faulty file ? If you send it by email, please zip the file before and attach the ziped file to the email to avoid the interference with the mail encoding system.


Hi Arisha, Jean-Loius,

Thanks for the advice. It seems I had two related issues which may have been partially obscuring each other. One was a typo in a separate Macro definition file which, when loaded, seemed to interfere with ‘carriage returns’. I seem to have had a simultaneous issue with text file encoding – again manifesting with similar issue resulting from missing ‘carriage returns’. This may have been the issue which caused apparently ‘clean’ tutorial files from the distribution to not load – possibly caused by copying and pasting between different open files in different editors and resulting in mixed encodings (?).

I am now using Sublime with uniform encoding of textiles, which seems to have sorted that issue. Syntax highlighting in Sublime/Antescofo language package helped identify the first issue.

Thanks for your help,