Hi, I am trying to use supervp gcross (from documentation) from command line:
cross type cross: S1 and S2 are calculated in amplitude/freq representation and the output is
Amp(SO) = Xval*Amp(S1) + xval*Amp(S2) +qval*(Amp(S1)*Amp(S2))^CE
Fre(SO) = Yval*Fre(S1) + yval*Fre(S2),
I am getting the error below. Am I missing a command option? Thanks!
supervp -S"file1.aiff" -s"file2.aif" -Gcross -A -Z "/output.aif"
SuperVP::Parameter Error::checkpar::
Synthesis from sound data requested in track two: use either spectral data as input (see -isdata flag) or add analysis flag (see -A)