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SuperVP authorization problem terminal


I had an authorisation problem for the SuperVP with a student. Even though the key is up-to-date authorisation fails. Could you please assist?



Der Karim,

We still couldn’t find a solution to this problem. Could you please assist? What might be the reason?



Dear Bengisu,

The reason depends on the problem.
Please specify:

  1. your OS
  2. the authorisation key’s date
  3. What is the version of your SuperVP binary?
  4. What is exactly the nature of the problem?


Dear Bengisu,

Please check if the IRCAM activation file has the word authorization (and not ‘activation’). Rewrite the init command and make sure all paths are complete. You might need to provide absolute paths for both supervp and authorization file. Hope this helps.

Dear gatogoncalo,

Thank you very much for your kind reply. Unfortunately, I still get the same error.

Dear Karim,

Here is the information about the student’s computer:

  1. OS - 14.6.1
  2. the authorisation key’s date - 08.01.2025
  3. SuperVP binary - v2.0.7
  4. Exactly nature of the problem: When we try to authorize SuperVP either through the terminal or OM, it returns “authorisation failed”.

Can you please check out the Ircam_Activation_Key.txt, ie open it with text edit and send me a screenshot. It could be that your activation key is corrupted.

Please send it to me by personal messaging.

Hi Bengisu,

You authorization key seems to me ok. Sometimes it get corrupted. But here is not the case.

do you still have the error above while using the terminal?:
To update your account to use zsh, please run chsh -s /bin/zsh.

If yes please read this in order to fix it:

It could be the problem.

If not I will forward your problem to our product responsible.


Hi Karim,
We have tried it changing the shell to zsh, unfortunately still the same issue. Please see the screeshot below.


Please try again typing:

chsh -s /bin/zsh

WITHOUT the “dot”

Hi Karim,

zsh shell didn’t make a difference, unfortunately. Still the authorisation fails.


Can you open a terminal and type the following:



ls -la

and please send me the result.
You might have an old key still in your old installation


Dear Karim,

Please excuse me for the delayed reply which was caused by the delay of the student. Please find the screenshot below:

OK. Now everything is clear.
Apparently you (your student?) i don’t know by the way who am I addressing this, has already a key dating back to octobdr 2023. Meaning, either the computer on this screeshot was cloned, or ssystem copied from machine to machine.

Now before i give you instructions to make the key work i need to be sure of the OS you are on. Can you confirm it is Sonoma not Sequoia?


Dear Karim,

I am Bengisu, the tutrice for e-studio at HMDK Stuttgart. I am writing you for the problem on the computer of a student of us.
He confirms that the computer is Sonoma (14.6.1).

Thank you very much for your help.

Best regards

Dear Bengisu,

Ok so you need first to remove the old protection. This is how to do it:

  • Open the Terminal (you’ll find it in /Applications/Utilities folder)

  • Type : ls -la (then return)

  • Check out if .ifpk or .ipfk_2 or any other file starting by ._ifpk exists.

  • In order to remove these files type : rm -fr ._ifpk* (then return).

Once done, check out again that this succeeded by typing
ls -la
And checking there is no ._ifpk_2 file

Then check your key validity, It is supposed to be valid for 15 days.

Then validate supervp with the terminal.


Dear Karim,

Thank you so much for all your kind assistance.
Now SuperVP works !



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hi bengisu! I’m Alessandro :slight_smile: you saved my life… hope to see you soon here in Tuscany!

and of course thanks Karim, may the music give you back as much as your generosity!

Dear All,

Just to let you know if you are on Sequoia (apple) please do follow these instructions here:

If not supervp although authorized will not work (ie it is another problem, brought to you by Apple…)
