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Suggestions Before Posting

<li>Please make sure the bug you are reporting is not in the list already.</li>

<li>If possible, outline what you are doing in order for us to recreate the problem. Screenshots and links would be very helpful.</li>

<li>When starting a topic, please try to use a specific and informative title.</li>

Thank you again for your help!

A question: are we dealing with website bugs only?

In the thread’s title, it would be good to specify the type of bugs and issues we are talking about.



Hi Robert,

Feel free to let us know of any other issues. If I’m not able to help, I’ll do my best to forward the question to the right people!

And yes, I agree about making the thread titles as specific as possible!


I think it is better to have specific threads for specific products or technologies.

Also I am very jealous of your avatar/picture… Can’t “regular” users have avatar?


Ha! I just posted this a few minutes ago!
