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Suggestion for readme/install description update

Hey, pleasure meeting you & seeing your presentation of CIRCE today.

In order to get the terminal command posted in the readme working, I had to do a few extra steps:

1 - give terminal full disk access in system preferences.

2- sudo systemsetup -getremotelogin - if it returns no the user has to enable this to get the command you posted working.
sudo systemsetup -setremotelogin on

3- I also had to edit the filepath given in the example given, as the .dmg is called circe_0.9.0_osx.dmg

I am still unable to open the application on macos 12 m1 but I know you’re working on that, figured I would post this in the meantime :slight_smile:

For me it doesn’t work. I have Catalina… Best

Same here on Catalina on Intel Machine.
From Terminal:

rsync: link_stat “/Users/fede/Downloads/circe_0.9.0_osx.dmg/circe.dmg” failed: Not a directory (20)
rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at /AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/rsync/rsync-54.120.1/rsync/main.c(1404) [receiver=2.6.9]

Any help would be appreciated.



Doesn’t work on MacOS 12.6-Intel either… The three first steps of your instructions do work perfectly, the app simply doesn’t open (no message, no nothing).

Hi All,

HIgh Sierra, I have succeeded into opening application using istructions at this web page (in Italianl sorry), method number 2:

Of course at the end I have restored security preferences using the command ‘sudo spctl --master-enable’.

However application does not opens completely, it crashes during opening process. From terminal I receive this errore code: -10810, but I have searched on the web without success. I don’t know wha that code means.

I hope this helps.



Little update: to be more exact, the error says

LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed with error -10810



Hi to everyone,
Has anyone found a way to let start the application? I really do not understand why something has been announced and released without a proper documentation and troubleshooting support.
Being a premium subscriber form time to time I really get surprised but this peculiar attitude. I am very excited about what this app could offer to voice/speech manipulation so any help would be appreciated.
all the best to everyone !


Hello all,
Circe doesn’t open on M1 OS 12 either.
Hopefully theres a solution soon,

Thank you, @ianberman for the suggestions to the readme. I’ve added them accordingly so I hope others will have less difficulties in the future.

We have found the error that makes the app crash on startup and found a fix for it. We are now testing the application on different devices to make sure it works as expected and to provide more information about which systems are supported. We will publish the fixed version soon.

Finally we are also working on a signed version that would then “just work” (given you run it on a supported system) but I cannot give a reliable estimate for the release date at this point.

I personally apologise for the trouble with the faulty application. We have come across some difficulties just before the announcement that suggested the app would not run on any computer except the one I used for testing. I have already mentioned this at the presentation but since the app was advertised on the main page of the Forum some of you may not have been aware of that and are rightfully frustrated. Since I was in New York to give the presentation at the Forum I was not able to address these issues until this week but I can assure you that we’re working on it right now.

I hope you did not loose all interest yet and I hope the next version will work for you.



We just finished a new release that should be compatible with most versions of OS X and with a much simplified install procedure. If you still have problems, please let me know.
