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Strange problem in Presentation window

Hello everyone,

I have a strange problem. When I open “Voice”, “Poly” “Chord” or similar in the presentation windows the score is different. Typically a third plus a quarter tone lower. Sometimes if I enter a new “Voice” “Poly” etc. it works, but not always. This happens in 7.2 and 7.3. Can anyone help me?

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Dear adrnikko,

It is difficult to see what’s wrong here. Can you be more specific?
Is it the display of the Score (VOICE, POLY) editor that is wrong, or is it the tuning?
It would be great for instance to send screenshots of the editors and also most important the MIDI OM preferences tab setting, and maybe also the patch itself.


Dear Haddad,

Thanks. Here is a simple patch with ‘Chord’ linked to ‘Chord-seq’ and to the right the results in Presentation score. I also attach the midi preferences window. The strange thing is that if I move the note with the arrow key, the pitch jumps from F-monesis to C. You can see it in the clip.
(But but but… I cannot attach file or link because I’m new in the forum…)

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Oh. yes this stinks. Can you try to send them in a personal message here?
By the way what do you mean by “presentation score”?

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Dear Haddad,

maybe i can insert 1 pict at a time. Here is the first one.

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and here is the second

Dear Andrea,

Ok, that’s what I doubted. Please DON’T use the “Auto microtune bend” option in the MIDI preferences. This is what makes all pitches wrong. I will remove this option for sure.
If you need microtuning you should explicitly pitch bend the channels. Please have a look on tutorial #10 in the OM tutorial patches (you can access this in the Help menu):

Best regards

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Dear Haddad,

Thank you, but unfortunately it does not work. The problem remains. I think there is some damage in the preferences or other obscure files, because the same patch opened in another mac works normally. I don’t know.



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…the problem being false pitch, i.e transposed?
Or some other one.

If it is the case, please do so:

  1. quit OM
  2. remove the preference.lisp file from your workspace
  3. restart OM.


Hi Karim,

no it doesn’t work. But I solved it this way. I copied my WorkSpace to another HD. I deleted the application, WorkSpace and preferences in the file system. Then I reinstalled the application. I created a new WorkSpace. Finally, I copied the old WorkSpace and the library. And now it works. Mysteries of the binary code…

Thank you for your help and patience.


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