Having installed https://forge.ircam.fr/p/OM/downloads/get/OM_6.13.deb via dpkg -i after having satisfied missing dependencies via
sudo aptitude install gtk2-engines-murrine libcanberra-gtk-module desktop-file-utils
Trying to start OM up I do get to the dialog asking me where to start a new workspace. Upon having done so I get a dialog window with the error message
ERROR: Illegal instruction(4) [code 0] at 7F176B42A770
Unknown foreign code in module “/usr/share/openmusic/resources/lib/linux/OMAudioLib.so” [ #x7F176B325000 ]
rax 7F176B774A00 ; rbx 7F17741760A8 ; rcx 7F17740008D0 ; rdx 7F176B9DF190
rsp 7F1782574AA8 ; rbp 7F17741760B0 ; rdi 7F17741760C8 ; rsi 7F17740008D8
r8 7F176B358E60 ; r9 7F176B358E60 ; r10 E57 ; r11 7F176ADADE30
r12 7F17741760C8 ; r13 7F177C000B20 ; r14 4000049839 ; r15 40D0FF8FBC
In the console I started openmusic from there is further info posted:
“Loading PortMIDI library: libportmidi.so”
“Loading SDIF library: /usr/share/openmusic/resources/lib/linux/libsdif.so”
“Loading Juce Audio library: /usr/share/openmusic/resources/lib/linux/OMAudioLib.so”
; Loading text file /home/peter/.local/share/OpenMusic/6.13/OMPrefs.lisp
"ERROR: Illegal instruction(4) [code 0] at 7F176B42A770
Unknown foreign code in module “/usr/share/openmusic/resources/lib/linux/OMAudioLib.so” [ #x7F176B325000 ]
rax 7F176B774A00 ; rbx 7F17741760A8 ; rcx 7F17740008D0 ; rdx 7F176B9DF190
rsp 7F1782574AA8 ; rbp 7F17741760B0 ; rdi 7F17741760C8 ; rsi 7F17740008D8
r8 7F176B358E60 ; r9 7F176B358E60 ; r10 E57 ; r11 7F176ADADE30
r12 7F17741760C8 ; r13 7F177C000B20 ; r14 4000049839 ; r15 40D0FF8FBC
Call to om-lisp::om-error-handler
Call to invoke-debugger
Call to error
Call to (subfunction system::|%FOREIGN-CALLABLE/lisp_signal_error_on_c_stack| (fli:define-foreign-callable “lisp_signal_error_on_c_stack”))
Call to juce::|%cffi-foreign-function/OPENAUDIOMANAGER|
Call to (method player-open ((eql :om-audio)))
Call to init-om-session
Interpreted call to common-lisp-user::init-om
Call to delivery::maybe-ryb-top-level
Call to mp::process-sg-function
OM then hangs without a GUI being created, and I have to force quit it with Ctl-C on the console.
What am I doing wrong? What could I try next?