when opening the program I receive this error message.
I click ok and further it seems to work.
What is going on?
Thank you in advance,
when opening the program I receive this error message.
I click ok and further it seems to work.
What is going on?
Thank you in advance,
Hi Dimitris,
Sorry for that. Can you tell us on what OS you are ? (Big Sur, Ctalina?)
Did you try with a new workspace ?
Hi Karim,
Mojave, 10.14.6
2.3 Intel i5
Powerbook pro
Strange… when I opened it again it didn´t give me the error.
I closed the program, opened the program and open a workspace, selected the same workspace and the error disappeared.
I saved on exit the workspace, closed the program, opened it again but this time with open previous workspace and the problem was not there…
I left it some time, closed it again, open and again the same error…
It happened after I saved for the first time a previous version (om 6.17) workspace to this new version.
Thank you Dimitris for your report.
If it happens again, please feel free to report. It could be related to some workspace old preferences. If i understand you well, this error happened when you opened a workspace and NOT when you launched OM ?
The error appeared again…
yes I think it is when it tries to open the workspace…
Can you privately end me the zipped workspace so i can test and see what’s wrong?
How do I do that? Where do I find your email?
It seems that it has a problem when it applies the presentation and sorting preferences of the workspace: list, by name…
Yes indeed i think so. You can try to remove the preferences.lisp file from the workspace’s folder.
Thanx Dimitris,
testing it. Be right back to you.
Dear Dimitris,
Very weird. I didn’t have any troubles on High Sierra and even on Debian Linux.
Do you installed some .lisp patches in the init folder of OM ?
Hi Karim,
no, some lisp files that I have, I keep them in the user folder of the workspace.
A mystery…
Even with this message in the beginning it loads and everything seems to work well.
I don’t know if it has to do with something that probably came with the workspace from the previous version.
When I was starting the program, the workspace always opened messy and every time I had to redo the list-by name preferences in the menu.
I wanted to post it to the forum but the 6.18 was faster…
Nevertheless, the last three times I opened the program it didn´t happen.
Something completely different, in relation with recursion. Is it possible to use the lispfunction in order to call a function that uses a recursive process?
I ask that why… I have a lisp function in cl-user that every time I load the patch the function appears dead. I forget to compile the lisp file in the editor in advance…
The code:
(in-package :cl-user)
(defun noconseqrep (lista)
((null lista) nil)
((null (cdr lista)) lista)
((eql (first lista) (first (rest lista)))
(noconseqrep (rest lista)))
(t (cons (first lista) (noconseqrep (rest lista))))
It is not my code but it is useful to clean repetitive notes in a list…
Thank you for your response!
Dear Dimitris,
You can set definitively your presentation default in OM’s preferences (‘Appearance’ tab).
For your other question, which is very interesting please can you create a new topic?