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Spectral Morphing and Spectral Crossing as Max external


Apologies if this is in the wrong place to ask this, or if it’s an uneducated question. I’m hoping to use the Electro-Smith Daisy hardware to load a max gen~ patch with spectral morphing/crossing capabilities. Is there any chance the Spectral Morphing and Spectral Crossing plug-ins can be turned into Max externals?



Hi everyone, I’m working on a project with Electro-Smith Daisy and I’m interested in incorporating spectral morphing and spectral crossing into my Max gen~ patch. Does anyone know if it’s possible to convert the Spectral Morphing and Spectral Crossing plug-ins into Max externals? If so, could you share any resources or guidance on how to achieve this? Thanks!


You can have a look at supervp for Max and specifically supervp.sourcefilter and supervp.cross. However, I doubt that Max objects will work in gen~.

Thank you for your response!

I might have been too attached to that one particular approach. I was hoping the max gen~ would work because the Electro-Smith hardware has already been built.

Is there any other way you can think of to take the spectral crossing and spectral morphing plug ins and put them into a Eurorack module or guitar pedal? I’m open to any suggestions!

Thank you again for your time!
