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Spectral Descriptors in Openmusic

Hello Everyone,

Thank you all for keeping the OM community alive.

I’m returning with a question similar to one I previously asked but now it has become clearer to me exactly what I’m trying to get at…

Is there an OM library which can calculate these spectral descriptors (Spectral Descriptors - MATLAB & Simulink)
and if not, how difficult would it be to make these patches?

Any advice would be appreciated, my apologies for the broad question.

Best Regards,

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Dear Brandon,

Sorry for the late reply. I know a library that does this but it is not yet released since the kernel engines are for the time being restricted of use. I will see if we can have the authorization of a release. But this will take some time.


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Dear Karim,

Thank you so much for your reply, and my apologies for my late one.

I would still be extremely interested in a library like this if you would be willing to share.

Please keep me updated on whether it can be authorized.

Best Regards,

Hi Brandon,

There isn’t one for OpenMusic, but there’s MuBu for Max/MSP. Here: MuBu | Ircam Forum

All the best,

Dear Brandon,

Yes there is one, but not available for the moment as i told you in my latest post. This is due to some propriety issues with the binary. Once i get the time to contact the gents responsible for releasing the binary, will put the OM library and what is necessary on our github site. Sorry about that. I am the only one to deal with OM for the moment.



Hi Karim,

Thanks for letting me know and for following up on this.
I really appreciate all you’re doing to keep OM alive and growing!

Best Wishes.

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Dear Brandon,

Just to let you know, I arranged a meeting for the licensing issue next week. Will keep you informed.



Hi Karim,

Just wondered if there were any positive outcomes for spectral descriptors in OM at this stage?

Many thanks!


Dear Graham,

Yes this is on our TODO list. We have the binaries, but we should plan, arrange and build an OM lib with some tutorials with the collaboration with Mikhail Malt and Frederic Cornu.


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That’s great! Thank you Karim.