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Spat 5.0.7 & Panoramix 1.3.2

Great, really looking forward!! :slight_smile:

Hi all :))

So recently I have been trying to understand how the orientation of sources is managed in Spat. If I make the aperture visible on a source, I can see that it always automatically turns in the direction of the origin point in the viewer. Giving it a yaw value only offsets this automatic behavior, since as I move the source, the aperture (yaw?) keeps rotating (with the added offset value) which is a little bit odd for me, but hopefully I am missing something fundamental here.
So my question is: how to make a source let’s say go from xy -1 -1 to xy -1 1 while its (absolute) yaw faces constantly towards the point xy -1 “infinity”. Let’s say for modelling as a car goes by next to the listener. Any ideas?
There was sort of a hack solution for this in Spat 4 with the “lookat” message, but that also only worked if the point to look at was reset after any movement (since if not reset, then it starts to rotate its yaw according to its relation to the origin point) and also it is not migrated to Spat 5.
Yaw/mode constraint or translate seems not to work in Spat 5 (although the help patch suggests it should) and after testing it in Spat 4 (as “orientation mode”) I could see that it actually doesn’t do what I want now.
Let me know if you have any suggestions! :slight_smile:
Thank you,

Hey again!
So I am still not sure if what I am looking for exists as an option somewhere or not in Spat, but just to illustrate what I want, I made an abstraction which does this - sending it attached, hope it can be useful for you too. And also hope that my math is correct, it looks good now, but trigonometry was never my forte and there were some edge-cases which I solved kinda not really knowing what am I doing… :slight_smile: So feel free to suggest/criticize.


yawfix.zip (5.87 KB)

Hi Balint,

Sorry for the late reply.
There is currently only one orientation mode implemented in spat5 (yaw angle expressed with respect to the origin point).
Apologies if the help patch suggests otherwise; that’s a mistake.
I’ll try to implement alternative modes soon, similar to your abstraction which seems correct at first glance.


Hi T,

Good news, and thanks for checking it out! :slight_smile:
