Dear Karim,
fiddling with sound-resample for my classes i’ve found this strange error that happens every time I evaluated the sound-resample box with valid file and sample rates.
I’m on Mac M2 Ventura with Om7.2.
I attach a screenshot,
Thank you very much for your efforts,
Dear Alessandro,
Can you just send me a screenshot with the arguments of sound-resample and a screenshot of your audio om preferences. I am upgrading my M1 right now, so i tried the method on linux and it works. But this doesn’t mean that on Mac the libsamplerate.dylib is ok. I will check this out as soon as my upgrade finishes and let you know. But please do send the requested screenshots.
“Bien vu” Alessandro!
The libsamplerate was only for Intel.
I updated the sources. So here is what to do:
grab libsamplerate.dylib from here:
openmusic/OPENMUSIC/resources/lib/m1/libsamplerate.dylib at master · openmusic-project/openmusic · GitHub
(click on download button on the upper right of the frame) -
go to your OM in your /Applications folder
rigth-click on it (or ctrl+clic) and Choose ‘Show Package Contents’
go to the Frameworks folder inside the Contents folder, and replace the libsamplerate.dylib
Launch OM, and please report back.
It works, thanks!
I replaced the new libsamplerate.dylib and it works perfectly.
One question though: the term “resampling” normally designates a varispeed-like pitch and time change (resampling of the signal keeping the soundfile sample rate intact) while “change sample rate” is what actually the sound-resample object does. Is there any object in OM audio functions that actually changes the tempo/pitch time?
Hope i’m clear,
Dear Alessandro,
I don’t think there is a method doing what you ask in OM’s kernel. However you can do this using OM-SuperVp /Pm2 libraries.
Ale, did you pass to om 7.3? is it working for you ?
Yes it’s working like a charm, I also suspect that upgrading to Mac OS 14 (Sonoma) did help, as it behaved clearly as problem of windows management between LispWorks and MacOs…
I see… ok thanks a lot !