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Sort-list and some other questions


I don’t know if you already are aware but it is not possible to have access to the extra arguments of the sort-list object (already tried in both mac computers, with different osx). The OM version is the 6.17. Instead, I used the lisp sort object.
Related to the libraries available, many miss tutorial patches. For example for the combine library, are there any tutorial patches available? As well, some objects, for example the Messiaen object from Combine, does not perform as expected.

thank you in advance,


Dear DA,

Concerning the sort-list arguments, these have changed from version 6.15 (maybe before then). Instead of optional arguments, now they are key argument. In order to access them (ie open extra entry) you need to press the ‘k’ key and then choose from the contextual menu of the input either test/key/rec (cf. help of the function).

Now concerning libraries tutorial patches, yes there are some non-included tutorials, They are not missing, they don;t exist, If you can point me to these i will ask the authors if possible to provide them.


Thank you a lot Karim for your fast response!!

An interesting example for tutorials will be for sure the combine library.
Are there any old patches? Another example as well interesting is the OMTristan library.

Thank you a lot!


Dear Dimitris,

These two libraries are “composers’” library. I will ask the author of combine library if he can provide some example patches. Concerning OMTristan library maybe the best thing is to refer here: https://rozalie.com/essay-and-software/


Thank you Karim,

I have the book but unfortunately there are no patches!!!
The only way of reproduction is through look in the book and make where possible…:smiley:
Do you know if these patches/tutorials exist?

Kind regards,


No sorry Dimitris. I don’t have the slightest idea. Maybe you should ask the author and the editor of the book.

PS: By the way, concerning Combine patches, i contacted the author and he will prepare some patches due in march if everything’s rolling fine :slight_smile:


Thank you a lot Karim.

