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Somax and Max 9

Hi everyone

I have a problem with a simple patch that used to work with Max 8 and does not work anymore with Max 9.
The server boots correctly, but agents do not react to influencers
Does anyone have the same problem?
It still works perfectly on Max 8…
Maybe I did something wrong
I really appreciate any help you can provide.

MAX 9.0.2 / Mac Os 15.1.1


Hi Lionel,

We had issues with the first Max 9 release with the groove~ and buffer~ objects, as their behaviour changed a bit. We then issued a bug report, and this has been fixed in Max 9.0.2.

However, what you are talking about seems a different problem.
Could you please detail this issue a bit more? Adding screenshots and messages from the Max Console, if any relevant appear, and explain your installation/patch so that we can help you better?


Hi Marco
I was thinking the best way to explain my problem is to make a little video, here :Somax/Max9 - 13 January 2025 | Loom
It’s weird, hope you can help me, thanks a lot.
A bientôt


Hi Lionel,

thanks for the video.
Looks to me that the problem is not in the routing itself, but rather in the onset detection of the Somax Audio Influencer.

Nothing happens in the Player because no influences are sent out from the Audio Influencer.
More specifically, when you start playing your audio file, you can see the chroma vector moving, but there’s no pitch and onset detection. Remember that Players output material only when an onset arrives (unless they’re not in continuous mode or during timeout).

Anyway, could you please try changing the onset detection method of the Audio Influencer to Bonk?
The default one, Yin, is more pitch based, but your audio file sounds quite textural and complex, not really suited for this algorithm. You can change the onset detection algorithm by pressing on the “Settings” button in the Audio Influencer, and then select Bonk from the top-left menu:

You can also try using a more monophonic-based audio source, to see if Yin works well or if it’s stuck.
Also, is there anything printed on the Max Console regarding Yin when you start your patch?

Can you also give us more specifications about your machine? Which model, year, RAM, disk space? This might be helpful to understand why the server is slower.

Looking forward for your updates.



Hi Marco

I’m going to try with the setup you sent, but the same patch with the same setting, the same sound files as an influencer, etc. works perfectly on Max8
I have a pretty old baseline M1 MacBook pro with 8 Gb of RAM, but never had any problems with Somax before Max9 (I have the 9.0.3 version) even with more complicated patch
Thanks for your help


Hi Marco
Some updates
I just upgraded my Mac to a MacBookPro M4 16Gb of memory, I reinstalled everything but the problem is still here. I join 2 screen captures of the max window, maybe the problem come from here, but I have no idea how to fix it.

Merci encore


Hi Lionel,

thanks for the Max Console screen capture.
It looks indeed like an architecture problem of some Somax2 externals that you are actually loading from Omax4.6, not from Somax2 itself.

What happens here is the following, reading the Console top to bottom:

  • Max is searching for the bc.virfun.mxo object
  • it loads and uses the one from Omax4.6
  • it says that another one exists in the Somax-2.6.1 folder, but it’s not using this one
  • thus, bc.virfun cannot be load due to incorrect architecture

then, the same repeats for bc.yinstats.mxo.

In general, Somax uses the Yin+ implementation from Omax, and here your computer takes this package of objects, instead of the ones from Somax. The error occurs because the Omax objects are not compiled for ARM processors (M1, M2, etc), but only for old Intel machines.
I suppose that with Max 8 you don’t have this issue because you were running Max 8 under Rosetta, thing you are not doing with Max 9. Objects that are compiled only for old Intel machines (like the externals in Omax 4.6) require you to run Max under Rosetta to avoid these compilation errors (but be aware that this slows down Max a little bit).
The good news, however, is that Somax 2.6.1 has objects that are already compiled for ARM processors, so you don’t require it to run under Rosetta, but here you have a conflict because you still have Omax4.6 installed, Max tries to load the objects from its package, and throw errors.

So, the easiest solution, if you’re not using Omax4.6 on Max 9 is simply removing the Omax4.6 folder from the Documents/Max 9/Packages folder. It’s always good practice to have a “Packages (removed)” folder to put your uninstalled packages. This will result in a clean installation of Somax without any conflicts.

Otherwise, if you want to run also Omax4.6 (but I won’t recommend, since we’re not sure that it won’t throw errors or bugs in Max 9 yet), just run Max 9 under Rosetta. To do so, go into your Application folder, locate the Max 9 icon, right click on it, press Get Info, and tick the Open using Rosetta option:

You can also check if this option is ticked in your Max 8 application, to understand why it doesn’t throw errors, but as I said before, I suspect it might be the case.

I hope this is clear enough.
Please let us know if this solves your issue.



Hi again,
really sorry to bother you with that…
I uninstalled Omax and tried to use Rosetta, but it still does not work. Also, when I use Somax with Max 8, it’s not in Rosetta mode and I don’t have these errors
Here are screen captures, looks like there is a problem with bonk~.mxo and bc.yinstats.mxo
Capture d’écran 2025-01-15 à 15.22.08
Capture d’écran 2025-01-15 à 15.22.16

Thanks for your help

Hi Marco
Just to say that since I updated to Max 9.0.4, everything is working fine now.
Thanks a lot for your help and patience


Hi Lionel,

glad to know that your problem has been solved!

We noticed that your issue might have been caused by the absence of notarisation in the bonk~ external object.
We’ll fix this in the next Somax2 release, to avoid other cases like this.

