Dear users
I’m working on analysis of sample from 3" to 15". In the Analysis page I see lot of notes (partials) of every sample I put in it. Why in the solution I always obtain timelines of the same duration of the sample but so few musical notes in the score and just for the firstone/two seconds of the analysis?
I also try to change some Parameters in the solutions windows but the results are always the same.
best and thanks in advance for any answer
Dear Fabio,
By design Orchids will only use a single note per instrument in each solution. This is based on the fact that we want solutions that are directly playable by the orchestra and temporal sequences would require instrumentation knowledge and notions of playability that we do not have. Several turnarounds should be preferred in your case :
1- You can select sub-portions of your target sample (directly on the top left or in the “Partials” window), by dragging the window. This will only orchestrate your selected excerpt, so that you can then use the “Maquette” mode to construct the temporal evolution you prefer.
2- You can “trick” the system by putting lots of instruments (for instance put 20 violins instead of a single one), so that multiple notes can be used (one for each instrument added). However, this might slow down the solution search process
thanks a lot Philippe!!