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Software to make professional looking manual

Hi, I’ve developed my tool box for Open Music, and I’m going to make a manual. Which software do you recommend making it? Until now I’ve used Apple Pages, which is not ideal when it comes to apply the screen shots.



Dear Dagfinn,

I use LibreOffice Writer, it permits (like Pages I suppose) to save in PDF format.
I don’t know Pages, but about screenshots is not sufficient to generate them by computer board keys combinations and then paste them into the page?
In LibreOffice I use this system.
If I remeber good the key combination is cmd-shift-4 for selecting the screen area you desire to save in clipboard, to paste it successively in your text processor.
I hope this notes are useful, I apologize if already known.



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Dear Dagfinn,

Personally I use pdflatex (latex) system.

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