Antescofo version 0.132
There’s a slight bug in the find&replace window, once closed the antescofo user interface disappears.
One have to quit antescofo and re-open it to get rid of that window.
Antescofo version 0.132
There’s a slight bug in the find&replace window, once closed the antescofo user interface disappears.
One have to quit antescofo and re-open it to get rid of that window.
sorry one have to quit ascograph (and not antesc)
Hello Nadir.
Yes, the problem is an Ascograph problem. Ascograph is an autonomous tool separated from Antescofo. Yet Ascograph can be tightly coupled with an Antescofo object in Max or PD.
We have undertaken a major evolution of Ascograph and in the process, bugs will be corrected and a lot of new functionalities will be available for edition and visualization of Antescofo scores. Do not hesitate to signal the problems you encounter, so we can correct them in the next release.