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SKataRT beta feedback

Dear SKataRT beta users,

thanks for being on board of this test since the last Forum in March. Before working on a more documented version, we’d like to elicit your feedback. Can you please post your remarks on this thread, along the lines of these points:

  • What is your current setup (Mac OS, Max & Live versions)?
  • Have you tried SKataRT? In Max or in Live?
  • Are you using it? How frequently?
  • Reasons for using/not using it?
  • Difficulties you encountered.
  • Suggestions what to improve.

Thank you very much for your participation!

Dear Diemo,

  • OSX 10.14.6 Mojave
  • I’ve used your Live project (Congrats ! Nice patching as usual)
  • I’ve tested it, and I’ll try do my own Live project ASAP
  • I never use Live in mode session, I don’t use loops… But I understand the project…

Thank you for your works.



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I am wondering if it is possible to download the software? I’ve tried to request access but no success so far. Thanks!

Any idea? Thank you!


Here is the answer…

See you soon there…

I see. Great, thanks!