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SDIF from SPEAR not working properly

Hi all,

I have tried to load an SDIF (1TRC - Exact interpolated) from spear into the additive mubu and I’m getting some noise on specific frequencies which are not present in the spear analysis data.

The sampling rate was set to 44.1kHz everywhere so that shouldn’t be the issue I guess?

As I’m trying to use it in a project, support would greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

tried to attach the files but I can not as a new user…

BR Tibor

Hi Tibor, with noises, do you mean clicks in the audio output, or something else?
Could you upload the input and output audio and the SDIF file somewhere?
Best, Diemo

Hi Diemo, thanks for the quick reply!

I will attach a short sample of the output, as there are 3 noises:

  1. clicks in the output
  2. a high pitched beep (changes pitch when I change to different sample rates in max)
  3. when I start a playback there’s a third one which is hard to describe, almost sounds like calling a fax, pretty cool in itself but unfortunately not in this case hehe (changes pitch with playback rate)

here’s the link to the files on WT:

Also: is there a “better” program for editing outputting sdif than spear or doesn’t really matter?

Liebe Grüße, Tibor

Hi Tibor,

  1. with clicks do you mean the discontinuities around 27 and 55s?
  2. the aliasing is from a too small default window size for low partials. Use @windowsize 1024.
  3. That might be from a too small @maxpartials default value; when spear outputs frames with more than that, it is not handled well.

It would be good to also compare to Spear’s resynthesis. Some artefacts (1.) might be from the sinusoidal model.

The new Partiels program in the forum does this, or the venerable AudioSculpt. Otherwise, pipo.peaks in mubu.process also works, but is less precise.
