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Sdif error

Hi all,

I have this error with AddAn :

Sdif Warning 24:
SdifFile: (no sdiffile)–> File not found or permission denied: “/Users/goepfer/Documents/Diphone/ImpExport/Peak/Front-189.pic.sdif”

PM Error: can’t open peaks input file ‘/Users/goepfer/Documents/Diphone/ImpExport/Peak/Front-189.pic.sdif’
Kernel return error -1

(of course, I have right permission to read&write in this folder…)
(OSX 10.8.4)

Hi Thomas,

The “Peak” calculation phase has been deactivated in AddAn (so it is not reachable). This generates your SDIF error because Pm2 simply cannot open the expected and non-existant peak SDIF analysis file.
Of course, this deactivation is incorrect and simply affect the whole “inharmonic analysis” workflow in AddAn.
We are working on a solution to re-activate the Peak analysis and will update the Diphone package as soon as possible.

Thanks for the report.

best regards,