Hi there,
I’m interested by using MuBu for :
- recording midi flows (notes on, cc) and sound analysis results from outside of Max,
- storing these as files usable outside of max, eventually (as binary data maybe?)
- reading them back in Max.
Actually, the main idea comes from using midi flows + sound analysis to alter visuals generated in non realtime way (for having a big rendering quality without killing the cpu on stage)
So the idea would be:
- composing a track (sound, automation for visuals stored as midi CC)
- storing the whole flows (midi + sound analysis) which I need to alter visuals in MuBu with highest sampling rate possible
- Reading back these values in Max while doing my frame per frame offline rendering
Ideally, in order not to add too much work exporting midi cc curves, etc, the process would be realtime. I’d have a patch just for storing all my flows using MuBu, and I’d have an abstraction, for instance, that I would put inside my visuals rendering patch in the end of the process to alter visuals during the frame per frame offline rendering.
Midi stuff real time would be required, actually.
Sound analysis, in my case, can be offline. easy with pipo desc (I love it, btw, except that I have other kind of analysis to do sometimes, but easy to write signals in MuBu tracks from analyzer~ for instance)
I have some questions about how you would do this:
1/ storing midi notes on
I don’t really know how to store midi note time position.
Maybe I could store discrete values : 1 for the note on time position, and 0 when there is not note
My main issue would be: sampling rate for storing/reading. Actually, if I have a midi note which is not exactly in a specific time grid, this one could be missed, of course.
2/ storing midi cc
Same as 1/ but easier. I can smooth values too. and store a flow of MIDI CC values.
For reading these back, how would you proceed ?
My main issue, again, is the sampling rate.
My visuals rendering just would need 60fps, which is FEW compared to audio sampling rate.
So, I’m currently thinking about having a kind of step by step process that would increment (60 times per second) the cursor position:
at each frame required, the process moves the cursor from 1/60s, read all values, including midi notes eventually, then alter visuals, then render the frame.
If any of you got experiences with this, I’d be very interested to read about these feedbacks
Thanks a lot,