the feature you ask is not available now, but we plan to add it in some future release.
By now, I suggest to have a look on regular expressions, for instance with a text editor like Textwrangler:
Using such tools you can easily convert NOTE events like
NOTE 6600 2
NOTE 6800 1
NOTE 6600 1
into a action with delay
2 mnote(6800,1)
1 mnote(6600,1)
where mnote may be a Antescofo process, macro or function that triggers a MIDI note by sending a message to Max. (you have to define it according to the Max object and patch you use to synthesize sounds; have a look on Antescofo documentation for more details on them)
Once you have converted the accompaniment score, you just have to gather these actions into a single group
group midinotes @tight @local
2 mnote(6800,1)
1 mnote(6600,1)
then copy/paste this group under the first note of your event score.
Ask for details if something is not clear.