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Quantifying /consolidating noisy chords

Hello OM Hivemind,

I am trying to perceive (quantify?) a noisy chord rounded to semitones, in picture below.
Is there an object/ patch that will consolidate all of these repeated pitches (rounded to semitone) to an average duration and volume of each pitch and return a “consolidated” chord with no repeated pitches?

Any help would be much appreciated!
Happy Holidays.

Dear Brandon,

Can you send this chord as an om instance, or patch?


Of course! Try this one…

Karim_Chord_Examples.omp (6.9 KB)

I am imagining a solution where the velocities and durations are averaged for each semitonal pitch.

Ok here it is:

You need to unzip the archive and import it as a folder in om.

chord-successives.zip (5.4 KB)

This is done from scratch. Had just to use some lisp code using a lisp code box.

Hope this is what you want: same pitch filtered, averaged velocities and duration.

Best & happy holidays

Dear Karim,

This is exactly what I needed. I have used this patch several times already.
This is a wonderful forum thanks to your very generous contributions.

Wishing you a very happy and healthy 2024!

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Same to you Brandon,
Wishing you all a happy new year to come.
