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Psy on audio from buffer~ in mubu.process

There is something strange going on when I try to analyze an audio track stored in a buffer~ with the psy module in a mubu.process object. Other modules like slice:yin, slice:fft, mel, mfcc etc seem to work fine, but when using psy it always fills the max size of the resulting track no matter how short the audio file is.
A workaround would be to crop the track afterwards, but when processing lots of files the extra time and memory very soon makes it undoable.
Or stop using the buffer~ object for audio, but it would be nice if that could work as well.
(btw, I am using the latest MuBu 1.9.2 for macOS).

buffer-psy_test.maxpat (10 KB)

Hi Daniel,
very strange behaviour, it happens just with “process == 0”. For the moment you can avoid it defining “@process 1” in mubu.process.
We will try to fix it for the next release.

Thanks for the report

fixed, thanks again