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Problems with supervp.play

I’m trying to use the basic SuperVP.play example and have discovered that songs do not get loaded properly the first time. I have to load them again to get them to play properly.

I had connected an [info~] to the buffer and observed that it has the correct length of the loaded song but somehow that waveform and supervp itself are not reflecting the updated file immediately.


Here’s a youtube video I created that demonstrates the problem. I select a song and it shows that only 3 seconds of the song are available. I then select the same song again and now it correctly shows 1:20 minutes (I edited the patcher a little to display the start and end times but otherwise it’s identical to the original example)

Anyone know how to fix this such that selecting a new aif file causes it to be immediately available?

I believe I have found the problem (although I don’t totally understand what is broken).

It seems that the waveform object display does not get reset automatically when the buffer changes.

Because the supervp.play uses the lengths produced by waveform~, it ends up with the wrong lengths. Why loading the file a second time fixes this, I don’t know.


However, if I cause the actual length of the buffer to be sent into waveform (via triggering info~ when the buffer has finished loading), then it works properly.

James… Talking to some of the Max developpers here, I just confirm your diagnostic. It appears to be a Max bug! Any clues from Cycling people?

I do not know if it is a Max bug or if the waveform display object is not supposed to update automatically but adding the info~ piece does fix the problem for me.



Anwsered on Cycling '74 forum.

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