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Problems with OM-Spat

Hi All,

I have some problems with a very simple patch using OMSpat. I enclose the screenshot.
The same problem presents itself with all OMSpat tutorials, both with operations by spat-synth function and save-spat-sdif (tutorial 2) function.
I am using OM 6.12 in a OsX 10.8.5. If I use OM 6.9 the problem disappears.
I have all permission for out-files folder in my workspace.
More in general there are some problems in 6.12 version with audio operations: for example the already documented absence of name of audio driver in audio preferences, and sometimes I have to set again audio driver in OM Preferences and restart the software to have audio playing in patches.

Can anyone help me with OMSpat problem? Thank you in advance


Hi Fabio, sorry I fixed this bug a while ago and just forgot to upload the update.
You can download it nom (Om-Spat 2.8)

Hi Jean,

Thank you very much, it works.
