Hi everyone,
I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, but even if I load something anywhere else than in voice one, I have no sound at all…only voice 1 is working.
Thanks a lot for the answer
Lionel “kalikay”
Hi everyone,
I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, but even if I load something anywhere else than in voice one, I have no sound at all…only voice 1 is working.
Thanks a lot for the answer
Lionel “kalikay”
Same issue here on Mac Intel and M1 with Skatart 1.6.
Also seeing memory usage go through the roof (~100GB RAM for Live when using Skatart 1.6 which causes beachball) and audio dropouts. Also width of device is narrower than all the UI elements so some dropdwons are obscured by edge of device on the right.
Rolled back to 1.5.
Yes, got memory problems too…
I’m on MacBookPro M1 by the way
Hi, Thanks for trying out skatart! I can confirm there are two bad fixes reinforcing each other… please hold on for 1.6.1