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Problem with opening antesocofo~ in Max

Hello and greeting from Asia,

I’m following the Tutorial from Antescofo package which downloaded from ircam now. However, when I double click the Max object “antescofo~” in the Tutorial, (I correctly installed antescofo package in Max folder), Console tells me that "

antescofo~: AscoGraph is not in path. Make sure the App is next to your Antescofo object. Unable to open.

But, the AntescofoDoc and ircam forum have said that AscoGraph is discontinued and Sublime and bach.roll are recommended. Here’s my problem.
What should I do to let the antescofo~ object in Max be able to be double-clicked as the Tutorial wished it be? In other words, how can I instantly monitor what is happening in my antescofo~ object without AscoGraph? By using Sublime I guess? But I can only send messages from Sublime to Max by OSC and I don’t know how to send messages to Sublime.(As a coding amateur :smiling_face_with_tear:)
As for the bach.roll, the patcher “bachscograph-master” cannot be properly opened. This part is more confusing for me… Anyway are there any ways to visualize the situation in antescofo~ ? Or, just let me know the link to download AscoGraph is ok. I cant find out any AscoGraph download link on ircam. I’m new on it and my questions might be basic. :mask:
Looking forward to any reply.

Your sincerely,

Hello Jun,

I don’t think there is any way to visualize the situation in Antescofo as you would have done with ascograph.
You can nevertheless have the antescofo~ object report its current status (current event label, tempo, etc) either by printing it in the Max console or by connecting messages to antescofo~'s outlets in Max.
There should be a piece of patch somewhere in the tutorials that does that, otherwise it’s not so complex to make (or send).
Concerning the bach.roll version I can’t help you, sorry, I have never used that.


Hello L,

Thanks for your reply! Those standard outlets of antescofo~ are correctly working now, the basic function of antescofo is all right :grin: By the way, it is the red error-report on Console that made me come and post here :melting_face:

Best wishes,


There is a dedicated page in the Antescofo online documentation that presents some ways to overcome the deprecation of Ascograph with solutions for the edition of antescofo score (with extension package for Sublime or Atom) and for the monitoring of a performance (with a coupling with Bach.rool by Serge Lemouton). These info are also mentioned on the Ascograph project page.

The double-click is still active (but does not launch Ascograph) because it opens the OSC port used to communicate with Sublime.


Problem solved. Thanks for all replies.
App called NoteAbilityPro can easily visualize Antescofo processing and compose on it. I’m trying to make use of it :yum:

I’m making use of the OSC port now. Wish Antescofo be better :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hello Zenoor,

can you please tell me where to download the tutorials? i ask that because from the download page of antescofo i get only the max object.
Sorry to bother you here but i have problem with the creation of new post
I wish you a nice day


Hello Andrea,

Indeed, the latest update contains only the Antescofo~ object. I think the tutorials should be part of a previous release. I can see if I can find it on the GitHub repository in a moment.