Hi All,
I need some help. I have created a new OMChroma user class, I enclose the OpenMusic patch:
020-vocoder-1.omp (14.8 KB)
The used Csound .orc contains the text enclosed into textfile class into the patch. It is a file found on the web. I show a screenshot of OpenMusic enclosed patch:
The problem is the following: in valuating the final sound I obtain an error:
“:: INIT ERROR in instr 1 (opcode soundin) line 24: e[mdiskin2: vc10.wav: failed to open file (No Error.)e[m
:: e[m from file /Users/fabio/lib/OM_workspace/out-files/my_synt.orc (1)
:: acar soundin “vc10.wav” 0 0 0 0
:: B 0.000 - note deleted. i1 had 1 init errorse[m
:: e[mScore finished in csoundPerform().”
The problem presents both with mono files and stereo ones, both with aiff files and wav files.
However if I evaluate synthesize with option “run” it generates two files .orc and .sco that, imported into CsoundQt, runs perfectly, generating the audio file.
I am on OsX El Capitan, 10.11.6, OM 7.0, Csound 6.16, OMChroma 5.2.
I have tested the same exact patch on Linux Fedora 32, OM 7.0, Csound 6.15, OMChroma 5.2 and in that environment the patch runs good, so the problem is only on Mac. I suppose it could be caused by questions relative to filesystem formats, but I have no competence for be sure.
I hope it is all clear. Thank you in advance for any help.