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Problem with IrcamDescriptor


trying to use the descriptor HarmonicTristimulus, ircamdescriptor~ crashes. This is also the case within ircamdescriptor~.maxhelp. There is no Max-window-message. I m using ircamdescriptor~ version 0.8.3

Any hints for a better adjust od any parameters or attributes?



Hi Bruno, yes, there is a new version 0.8.4 of ircamdescriptor~ that fixes this crash that hasn’t made it into the MaxSoundBox, yet. We’ll update the release ASAP.

Hi Diemo, thank you!

Dear Bruno, the fixed version is up now, and I also added a new requested feature of dynamic WindowSize and HopSize.



In my short experience with Max Sound Box, the descriptor SpectralSlope, calculated by the ircamdescriptor~ object, always returns the value 0.00, whatever the sound input is.
I’ve tried in both Max 6 and 7, and OS systems 10.7 and 10.8. Have any you noticed that, or it may be a local problem with my setup?
A short check may be done with the help patch.


Sergio Freire

Right, the first 2 variations always seem to return zero. The other scaling variations give more informative results, e.g.:

setvar SpectralSlope 5, reconfigure

thank you, Schwarz! It works for me now.
Anyway, It would be nice if the default variation of this descriptor could return significant values.