Dear Forum,
I try to use orchids and It does’t work .Tried a new install from the installer but I get always the same problem.
I work on osx 10.10.5
The max message:
— bach: automated composer’s helper —
© 2010-2015 - Andrea Agostini and Daniele Ghisi
v0.7.8.4 beta
udpreceiver: binding to port 3334
MESSAGE1: command cp -rn /Applications/ ~/Library/Application\ Support/Orchids\ 0.9.2\ Preferences/Presets/ job #1 started job #1 ended
DoneCopyingPresets: bang
MESSAGE2: command test ! -d /Applications/ || test -d ~/Library/Application\ Support/Orchids\ 0.9.2\ Preferences/Database/ || cp -rn /Applications/ ~/Library/Application\ Support/Orchids\ 0.9.2\ Preferences/Database/ job #1 started job #1 ended
DoneCopyingDatabase: bang
bach.print: done
DoneCopyingStuff: bang
LOCATED: cd “/Applications/” && ./Search
SOLFOLDERPATH: /Users/dimitrisandrikopoulos/Documents/SOL_0.9_HQ
Shell: Orchids - Server version
Shell: -----------------
Shell: Fetching database in : /Users/dimitrisandrikopoulos/Library/Application Support/Orchids 0.9.2 Preferences/Database
SentToServer: /Orchids/init
Shell: Running OSC server
Shell: Constructing knowledge : name
Shell: Constructing knowledge : instrument
Shell: Berkeley DB error: symbolics/symbolics: BDB0088 DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
Shell: Constructing knowledge : note
Shell: Constructing knowledge : dynamics
Shell: Berkeley DB error: symbolics/symbolics: BDB0088 DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
Shell: Berkeley DB error: symbolics/symbolics: BDB0088 DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
Shell: Constructing knowledge : playingStyle
Shell: Berkeley DB error: symbolics/symbolics: BDB0088 DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
Shell: Berkeley DB error: symbolics/symbolics: BDB0088 DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
Shell: Constructing knowledge : stringMute
Shell: Constructing knowledge : brassMute
Shell: Constructing knowledge : family
Shell: Berkeley DB error: symbolics/symbolics: BDB0088 DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
Shell: Constructing knowledge : duration
Shell: Berkeley DB error: symbolics/symbolics: BDB0088 DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
Shell: Berkeley DB error: symbolics/symbolics: BDB0088 DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
Shell: Constructing knowledge : MIDIcent
Shell: Berkeley DB error: symbolics/symbolics: BDB0088 DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
Shell: Berkeley DB error: symbolics/symbolics: BDB0088 DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
Shell: Constructing knowledge : EnergyEnvelope
Shell: Constructing knowledge : EnergyEnvelopeMean
Shell: Constructing knowledge : FundamentalFrequency
Shell: Constructing knowledge : FundamentalFrequencyMean
Shell: Constructing knowledge : HarmonicEnergy
Shell: Constructing knowledge : HarmonicEnergyMean
Shell: Constructing knowledge : Inharmonicity
Shell: Constructing knowledge : InharmonicityMean
Shell: Constructing knowledge : Loudness
Shell: Constructing knowledge : LoudnessMean
Shell: Constructing knowledge : NoiseEnergy
Shell: Constructing knowledge : NoiseEnergyMean
Shell: Constructing knowledge : Noisiness
Shell: Constructing knowledge : NoisinessMean
Shell: Constructing knowledge : PerceptualOddToEvenRatio
Shell: Constructing knowledge : PerceptualOddToEvenRatioMean
Shell: Constructing knowledge : Sharpness
Shell: Constructing knowledge : SharpnessMean
Shell: Constructing knowledge : SignalZeroCrossingRate
Shell: Constructing knowledge : SignalZeroCrossingRateMean
Shell: Constructing knowledge : SpectralCentroid
Shell: Constructing knowledge : SpectralCentroidMean
Shell: Constructing knowledge : SpectralDecrease
Shell: Constructing knowledge : SpectralDecreaseMean
Shell: Constructing knowledge : SpectralKurtosis
Shell: Constructing knowledge : SpectralKurtosisMean
Shell: Constructing knowledge : SpectralRolloff
Shell: Constructing knowledge : SpectralRolloffMean
Shell: Constructing knowledge : SpectralSkewness
Shell: Constructing knowledge : SpectralSkewnessMean
Shell: Constructing knowledge : SpectralSlope
Shell: Constructing knowledge : SpectralSlopeMean
Shell: Constructing knowledge : SpectralSpread
Shell: Constructing knowledge : SpectralSpreadMean
Shell: Constructing knowledge : SpectralVariation
Shell: Constructing knowledge : SpectralVariationMean
Shell: Constructing knowledge : Spread
Shell: Constructing knowledge : SpreadMean
Shell: Constructing knowledge : TotalEnergy
Shell: Constructing knowledge : TotalEnergyMean
Shell: Constructing knowledge : PartialsFrequency
Shell: Constructing knowledge : PartialsAmplitude
Shell: Constructing knowledge : PartialsMeanFrequency
Shell: Constructing knowledge : PartialsMeanAmplitude
Shell: Constructing knowledge : PartialsEnergy
Shell: Constructing knowledge : PartialsMeanEnergy
Shell: Constructing knowledge : LoudnessFactor
Shell: Constructing knowledge : MelAmplitude
Shell: Constructing knowledge : MelMeanAmplitude
Shell: Constructing knowledge : MelEnergy
Shell: Constructing knowledge : MelMeanEnergy
Shell: Constructing knowledge : source
Shell: Berkeley DB error: symbolics/symbolics: BDB0088 DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
Shell: Done
Shell: Berkeley DB error: symbolics/symbolics: BDB0088 DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
Shell: Berkeley DB error: symbolics/symbolics: BDB0088 DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘Ob’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘Ob’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘ClBb’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘ClBb’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘Bn’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘Bn’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘TpC’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘TpC’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘Vn’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘Vn’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘Va’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘Vc’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Anaysis
Shell: Analysis: IRCAMDescriptor
Shell: * Preparing configuration file
Shell: * Processing /tmp/analysisTarget.wav
Shell: ---------------
Shell: ircamdescriptor
Shell: ---------------
Shell: © IRCAM, 2008-2012
Shell: Sound file I/O using libsndfile libsndfile-1.0.17patchb,
Shell: Copyright Erik de Castro Lopo, licenced under the GNU LGPL
Shell: (see or libsndfile.License)
Shell: version: 2.7.0
Shell: release: Jul 23 2012
Shell: file : /tmp/analysisTarget.wav
Shell: channel(s): 1
Shell: sr : 44100 Hz
Shell: samples : 44100 per channel
Shell: computing data…
Shell: saving data…
Shell: performance time: 0.1 sec.
Shell: * Reading SDIF descriptors headers: /tmp/analysisTarget.wav.descr.sdif
Shell: * Modifying descriptors structure
Shell: Computing ADSR…
Shell: Analysis : Main partials analysis
Shell: Analysis : Mel band analysis
Shell: End Analysis
Shell: Resampling features…
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/session ready
WhatsOK: /Orchids/init
SentToServer: /Orchids/isInBase Vns Vas Vcs Cbs
SentToServer: /Orchids/getSources
Queued: /Orchids/getSources
NEW_QUEUE: ( /Orchids/getSources )
SentToServer: /Orchids/getInstruments
Queued: /Orchids/getInstruments
NEW_QUEUE: ( /Orchids/getSources ) ( /Orchids/getInstruments )
SentToServer: /Orchids/getPlayingStyles
Queued: /Orchids/getPlayingStyles
NEW_QUEUE: ( /Orchids/getSources ) ( /Orchids/getInstruments ) ( /Orchids/getPlayingStyles )
Shell: Berkeley DB error: symbolics/symbolics: BDB0088 DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
SOL_FOLDER_SENT: /Users/dimitrisandrikopoulos/Documents/SOL_0.9_HQ
ORCH_SETORCHESTRA: /Orchids/setOrchestra Fl Fl Ob Ob ClBb ClBb Bn Bn Hn Hn TpC TpC Vn Vn Va Vc Cb
SentToServer: /Orchids/setOrchestra Fl Fl Ob Ob ClBb ClBb Bn Bn Hn Hn TpC TpC Vn Vn Va Vc Cb
Queued: /Orchids/setOrchestra Fl Fl Ob Ob ClBb ClBb Bn Bn Hn Hn TpC TpC Vn Vn Va Vc Cb
NEW_QUEUE: ( /Orchids/getSources ) ( /Orchids/getInstruments ) ( /Orchids/getPlayingStyles ) ( /Orchids/setOrchestra Fl Fl Ob Ob ClBb ClBb Bn Bn Hn Hn TpC TpC Vn Vn Va Vc Cb )
SentToServer: /Orchids/setResolution 1
Queued: /Orchids/setResolution 1
NEW_QUEUE: ( /Orchids/getSources ) ( /Orchids/getInstruments ) ( /Orchids/getPlayingStyles ) ( /Orchids/setOrchestra Fl Fl Ob Ob ClBb ClBb Bn Bn Hn Hn TpC TpC Vn Vn Va Vc Cb ) ( /Orchids/setResolution 1 )
QUEUE: ( /Orchids/getSources ) ( /Orchids/getInstruments ) ( /Orchids/getPlayingStyles ) ( /Orchids/setOrchestra Fl Fl Ob Ob ClBb ClBb Bn Bn Hn Hn TpC TpC Vn Vn Va Vc Cb ) ( /Orchids/setResolution 1 )
NEWWhatsOK: /Orchids/getSources
SentToServer: /Orchids/getSources
Queued: /Orchids/getSources
NEW_QUEUE: ( /Orchids/getInstruments ) ( /Orchids/getPlayingStyles ) ( /Orchids/setOrchestra Fl Fl Ob Ob ClBb ClBb Bn Bn Hn Hn TpC TpC Vn Vn Va Vc Cb ) ( /Orchids/setResolution 1 ) ( /Orchids/getSources )
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/reply/isInBase 0 0 0 0
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/reply/isInBase END
WhatsOK: /Orchids/getSources
QUEUE: ( /Orchids/getInstruments ) ( /Orchids/getPlayingStyles ) ( /Orchids/setOrchestra Fl Fl Ob Ob ClBb ClBb Bn Bn Hn Hn TpC TpC Vn Vn Va Vc Cb ) ( /Orchids/setResolution 1 ) ( /Orchids/getSources )
NEWWhatsOK: /Orchids/getInstruments
SentToServer: /Orchids/getInstruments
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/reply/getInstruments ASax Acc BTb Cb Fl Gtr Hn Hp
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/reply/getInstruments END
WhatsOK: /Orchids/getInstruments
QUEUE: ( /Orchids/getPlayingStyles ) ( /Orchids/setOrchestra Fl Fl Ob Ob ClBb ClBb Bn Bn Hn Hn TpC TpC Vn Vn Va Vc Cb ) ( /Orchids/setResolution 1 ) ( /Orchids/getSources )
NEWWhatsOK: /Orchids/getPlayingStyles
SentToServer: /Orchids/getPlayingStyles
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/reply/getPlayingStyles aeolian
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/reply/getPlayingStyles END
WhatsOK: /Orchids/getPlayingStyles
QUEUE: ( /Orchids/setOrchestra Fl Fl Ob Ob ClBb ClBb Bn Bn Hn Hn TpC TpC Vn Vn Va Vc Cb ) ( /Orchids/setResolution 1 ) ( /Orchids/getSources )
NEWWhatsOK: /Orchids/setOrchestra
SentToServer: /Orchids/setOrchestra Fl Fl Ob Ob ClBb ClBb Bn Bn Hn Hn TpC TpC Vn Vn Va Vc Cb
Shell: Berkeley DB error: symbolics/symbolics: BDB0088 DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
Shell: Berkeley DB error: symbolics/symbolics: BDB0088 DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
Shell: Berkeley DB error: symbolics/symbolics: BDB0088 DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
Shell: Berkeley DB error: symbolics/symbolics: BDB0088 DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘Ob’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘Ob’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘ClBb’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘ClBb’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘Bn’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘Bn’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘TpC’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘TpC’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘Vn’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘Vn’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘Va’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘Vc’ is not a valid instrument
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/reply/OK
WhatsOK: /Orchids/setOrchestra
QUEUE: ( /Orchids/setResolution 1 ) ( /Orchids/getSources )
NEWWhatsOK: /Orchids/setResolution
SentToServer: /Orchids/setResolution 1
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/reply/OK
WhatsOK: /Orchids/setResolution
QUEUE: ( /Orchids/getSources )
NEWWhatsOK: /Orchids/getSources
SentToServer: /Orchids/getSources
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/reply/getSources SOL
Shell: Berkeley DB error: symbolics/symbolics: BDB0088 DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/reply/getSources END
WhatsOK: /Orchids/getSources
QUEUE: null
SentToServer: /Orchids/refreshSoundDirectories null
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/reply/OK
Shell: boost::filesystem::directory_iterator::construct: No such file or directory: “null”
WhatsOK: /Orchids/refreshSoundDirectories
refreshsounddir: bang
SentToServer: /Orchids/getInstruments
SOL_FOLDER_SENT: /Users/dimitrisandrikopoulos/Documents/SOL_0.9_HQ
QUEUE: null
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/reply/getInstruments ASax Acc BTb Cb Fl Gtr Hn Hp
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/reply/getInstruments END
Shell: Berkeley DB error: symbolics/symbolics: BDB0088 DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
WhatsOK: /Orchids/getInstruments
QUEUE: null
SentToServer: /Orchids/isInBase Vns Vas Vcs Cbs
SentToServer: /Orchids/getSources
Queued: /Orchids/getSources
NEW_QUEUE: ( /Orchids/getSources )
SentToServer: /Orchids/getInstruments
Queued: /Orchids/getInstruments
NEW_QUEUE: ( /Orchids/getSources ) ( /Orchids/getInstruments )
SentToServer: /Orchids/getPlayingStyles
Queued: /Orchids/getPlayingStyles
NEW_QUEUE: ( /Orchids/getSources ) ( /Orchids/getInstruments ) ( /Orchids/getPlayingStyles )
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/reply/isInBase 0 0 0 0
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/reply/isInBase END
Shell: Berkeley DB error: symbolics/symbolics: BDB0088 DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
WhatsOK: /Orchids/isInBase
QUEUE: ( /Orchids/getSources ) ( /Orchids/getInstruments ) ( /Orchids/getPlayingStyles )
NEWWhatsOK: /Orchids/getSources
SentToServer: /Orchids/getSources
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/reply/getSources SOL
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/reply/getSources END
Shell: Berkeley DB error: symbolics/symbolics: BDB0088 DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
WhatsOK: /Orchids/getSources
QUEUE: ( /Orchids/getInstruments ) ( /Orchids/getPlayingStyles )
NEWWhatsOK: /Orchids/getInstruments
SentToServer: /Orchids/getInstruments
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/reply/getInstruments ASax Acc BTb Cb Fl Gtr Hn Hp
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/reply/getInstruments END
WhatsOK: /Orchids/getInstruments
QUEUE: ( /Orchids/getPlayingStyles )
NEWWhatsOK: /Orchids/getPlayingStyles
SentToServer: /Orchids/getPlayingStyles
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/reply/getPlayingStyles aeolian
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/reply/getPlayingStyles END
Shell: Berkeley DB error: symbolics/symbolics: BDB0088 DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
Shell: Berkeley DB error: symbolics/symbolics: BDB0088 DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
Shell: Berkeley DB error: symbolics/symbolics: BDB0088 DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
WhatsOK: /Orchids/getPlayingStyles
QUEUE: null
SentToServer: /Orchids/setSoundfile /Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/dimitrisandrikopoulos/Documents/Reaper/Through Lines/Bounces/Delay F_02.wav
Shell: Anaysis
Shell: Analysis: IRCAMDescriptor
Shell: * Preparing configuration file
Shell: * Processing /tmp/analysisTarget.wav
Shell: ---------------
Shell: ircamdescriptor
Shell: ---------------
Shell: © IRCAM, 2008-2012
Shell: Sound file I/O using libsndfile libsndfile-1.0.17patchb,
Shell: Copyright Erik de Castro Lopo, licenced under the GNU LGPL
Shell: (see or libsndfile.License)
Shell: version: 2.7.0
Shell: release: Jul 23 2012
Shell: file : /tmp/analysisTarget.wav
Shell: channel(s): 1
Shell: sr : 44100 Hz
Shell: samples : 198450 per channel
Shell: computing data…
Shell: saving data…
Shell: performance time: 0.38 sec.
Shell: * Reading SDIF descriptors headers: /tmp/analysisTarget.wav.descr.sdif
Shell: * Modifying descriptors structure
Shell: Computing ADSR…
Shell: Analysis : Main partials analysis
Shell: Analysis : Mel band analysis
Shell: End Analysis
Shell: Resampling features…
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/reply/OK
WhatsOK: /Orchids/setSoundfile
QUEUE: null
bach.print: domain 0. 4500.
bach.print: done
SentToServer: /Orchids/setFilters BETWEEN MIDIcent 2100. 10800. REGEXP source SOL
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/reply/OK
WhatsOK: /Orchids/setFilters
QUEUE: null
ORCH_SETORCHESTRA: /Orchids/setOrchestra Fl Fl Ob Ob ClBb ClBb Bn Bn Hn Hn TpC TpC Vn Vn Va Vc Cb
SentToServer: /Orchids/setOrchestra Fl Fl Ob Ob ClBb ClBb Bn Bn Hn Hn TpC TpC Vn Vn Va Vc Cb
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/reply/OK
SentToServer: /Orchids/setResolution 1
Queued: /Orchids/setResolution 1
NEW_QUEUE: ( /Orchids/setResolution 1 )
Shell: Berkeley DB error: symbolics/symbolics: BDB0088 DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘Ob’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘Ob’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘ClBb’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘ClBb’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘Bn’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘Bn’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘TpC’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘TpC’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘Vn’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘Vn’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘Va’ is not a valid instrument
Shell: Warning: Instrument ‘Vc’ is not a valid instrument
WhatsOK: /Orchids/setOrchestra
QUEUE: ( /Orchids/setResolution 1 )
NEWWhatsOK: /Orchids/setResolution
SentToServer: /Orchids/setResolution 1
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/reply/OK
WhatsOK: /Orchids/setResolution
QUEUE: null
SentToServer: /Orchids/orchestrate
Shell: Preparing search spaces : Fl
Shell: Query: instrument REGEXP Fl
Shell: Query: note REGEXP A6|C5|F3|F5|G#6
Shell: Query: MIDIcent BETWEEN 2100.000000 10800.000000
Shell: Query: source REGEXP SOL
Shell: Preparing search spaces : Fl
Shell: Query: instrument REGEXP Fl
Shell: Query: note REGEXP A6|C5|F3|F5|G#6
Shell: Query: MIDIcent BETWEEN 2100.000000 10800.000000
Shell: Query: source REGEXP SOL
Shell: Preparing search spaces : Hn
Shell: Query: instrument REGEXP Hn
Shell: Query: note REGEXP A6|C5|F3|F5|G#6
Shell: Query: MIDIcent BETWEEN 2100.000000 10800.000000
Shell: Query: source REGEXP SOL
Shell: Preparing search spaces : Hn
Shell: Query: instrument REGEXP Hn
Shell: Query: note REGEXP A6|C5|F3|F5|G#6
Shell: Query: MIDIcent BETWEEN 2100.000000 10800.000000
Shell: Query: source REGEXP SOL
Shell: Preparing search spaces : Cb
Shell: Query: instrument REGEXP Cb
Shell: Query: note REGEXP A6|C5|F3|F5|G#6
Shell: Query: MIDIcent BETWEEN 2100.000000 10800.000000
Shell: Query: source REGEXP SOL
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/reply/Error Production::emptySearchSpace, Search space is empty ! Check filters and orchestra
Shell: Production::emptySearchSpace, Search space is empty ! Check filters and orchestra
WhatsOK: /Orchids/orchestrate
QUEUE: null
Is there any solution,
Thank you,