Dear all, one of my students encounter diffuclties why launching OM on his macbook (pro 2018 OS Ventura 13.5.1). Attached the message he receives when he try to launch it. Thank you for your help Laurent
Dear Laurent,
Is he running OM version 7.5 with the patch_070125.lisp in the init folder?
yes, a priori
Hello Karim, Hello Laurent,
Yes, I have put the lisp file in the init folder with version 7.5.
And I got this message after open it. It looks like the computer thought it was ruined after put the lisp file in it. Maybe it is because I used the wrong version of lisp file. I used this: om73_patch131223
Best regards,
Dear Po-Chun,
That explain the error.
So now do the following:
- remove All OM apps from the /Applications folder.
- Install again OM 7.5 (copy the OM in your Applications folder
- download this file:
Now, open the /Applications folder and right clic (or cmd+clic) on OM icon
Choose ‘Show Package Contents’
You will see an init folder. Double clic on init folder.
THen copy/paste the patch_070125.lisp in the init folder. IMPORTANT: you should use the copy/paste and not DRAG the file in the init fodler.
Dear Karim,
Thank you for your response. But sadly, it still not work. I have the same message again.
If I paste the lisp file before open OM firstly, it suggests that the file is damaged. While if I paste the lisp file after creating workspace, it says:
ERROR: No applicable methods for #<standard-generic-function |OpenMusic|::showobjecteditor 80D0C9825C> with args (nil):
Dear Po-Chun
Sorry for your problems. I omitted to say on important thing:
- trash the OM
- copy again the OM in the /Applications folder
- HERE is the important step: due to Apple security, you should FIRST run OM, create a new workspace. Then quit
- THEN copy the patch_070125.lisp in the init folder.
This will do it.
And please be sure you are using the correct patch. To be sure, please just take a screen shot of the init folder with patch, in order for me to check it.
Please keep me posted.
Thank you,
Sorry, I don’t have my computer now. I’ll keep updating when I have my computer with me.
I hopes this will solve it eventually !
Best regards,
Po Chun

Dea Karim,
I’ve done with your instruction.
It still not work. There is the screenshot of my folder and the message of OM
Best regards,
Est-il possible pour vous de mettre a jour le systeme OS?
Non, ça va être compliqué. J’utilise Finale mais il ne supporte pas la version prochaine d’OS. Je n’ai pas encore totalement transféré mes partitions en Dorico. Donc je ne peux pas le mettre à jour pour éviter de perdre mes partitions, excusez-moi.
Ce qui m’etonne, c’est que ce probleme a ete regle dans la version 7.5.
Est-ce qu’il s’agit d’un nouvel worksapce ou un nouveau?
Il ne fonctionne pas quand j’essaye d’accéder mon workspace. Mais je peux ouvrir la bibliothèque.
Pas de soucis, j’ai un ami qui peut m’emprunter son ordinateur. J’ai besoins OM seulement pour l’étude. Sinon, j’ai MAX et Bach pour traiter les MIDI.
Merci pour votre aide !
Bien à vous,
Im having a similar issue with MacOs ventura I replaced the lisp file in the int folder , and OM is not opening.
Hello, I am having the same problem in Ventura. I cannot start any of the 7.x versions on my computer. I get the following error:
ERROR: No applicable methods for #standard-generic-function
80E0C904EC> with args (nil)
specifities of the computer: Macbook pro 2017, OS Ventura 13.6.8,
Thank you in advance for your help.
Please do update your OS. This will fix a lot of issues.
best regards