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PitchWheel MIDICONTROL defaults to -8192

Apologies for the newbie question…

Would anyone be able to help get PitchWheel in MIDICONTROL to work correctly, please?

If I create a MIDICONTROL (“PitchWheel”) with values ranging from 0 to 16383 (I also tried -8192 to 8191) the MIDI data actually pushed out to PitchWheel ranges only from -8192 to -8065 (128 possible values).

For instance, with these values sent into MIDICONTROL:
(8192 8190 8182 8184 8180 8182 8190 8222 8220 8222 8224 8224 8228 8228 8226 8226 8226 8228 8228 8230 8220 8212 8210 8208 8204 8200 8196 8196 8194 8190 8186 8186 8194 8200 8202 8202 8202 8202 8202 8200 8194 8190 8192 8194 8194 8196 8198 8198 8200 8200 8202 8206 8216 8228 8238 8226 8198 8202 8204 8204 8204 8202 8202 8202 8208 8212 8214 8212 8208 8200 8200 8202 8206 8208 8210 8212 8214 8216 8218 8224 8222 8212 8210 8212 8212 8212 8214 8212 8210 8214 8220 8226 8226 8224 8222 8222 8224 8228 8228 8226 8218 8214 8212 8206 8200 8206 8212 8208 8202 8208 8212 8212 8210 8206 8208 8208 8178 8180 8182 8178 8176 8180 8204 8206 8206 8208 8210 8208 8206 8206 8214 8222 8224 8228 8238 8250 8250 8250)

…I see the following PitchWheel MIDI sent to the network (first few values):
-8192 -8066 -8074 -8072 -8076 -8074 -8066 etc.

Seems something needs to be set to let the MIDICONTROL know that we are dealing with the special case of PitchWheel rather than 0-127 MIDI CC?

Settings in MIDI preferences are to use midi-player, shift MIDI channels for micro-intervals = always, auto microtone bend = off.


Hi gph,

Sorry, didn’t get your MIDICONTROL issue right.
Since this is a experimental feature, can you send an MWE (Minimum Working Example) in order to try to sort this out ?


Thanks Karim -

I tried the “pitchwheel” function approach in tutorial 10 too and it does the same strange thing as when using the “MIDICONTROL” class. Here’s the test patch and the output MIDI.



And with the MIDICONTROL class over time…:

Or with the PitchBend ctrl type…:

But normal CC’s are fine…:

Very strange,
It is working alright for me:

What version of OM are you using ?
What is the app receiving it ? and by the way, what is the app you are displaying here showing the data.

However i suspect it is related either to your receiving app, OR, the OM preferences.
For a start, try working on a new workspace and deactivate these default settings as so:

In the upcoming release, these midi pitchbend issues will be fixed and straightforward.
We had a lot of reports of errounous data.


Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this Karim!

I’m on OM 6.16.

The app sniffing the MIDI traffic before it gets to the target app is MIDI Monitor: https://www.snoize.com/MIDIMonitor/

I just set up a brand new workspace, no additional libraries loaded, set MIDI prefs as pictured and it’s still doing the same thing.

I also tried bypassing the playback engine by using SAVE-AS-MIDI from the MIDICONTROL class and it has the same MIDI pitchwheel values as on playback. MIDI file attached.

Is this maybe an LSB/MSB conversion thing(?)

I see you’re on 6.17. Is that public or beta, or still private?

Thanks again!


midi-out.mid (47 Bytes)

Dear Graham,

Ok got this issue. You are right. It is an wakward bug in the 6.16 version. I fixed it already, in the coming 6.17 and will release it ASAP. In fact i have corrected this bug and i was working in cleaning up all this microtone issues. Unfortunately, a patch fix won’t do. So please be patient. And thank you again for pointing this up.

Just for checking upthis i presume should be the correct output:

Take care

Dear Graham,

Well i found a way to patch this up.
Here is the patch. Just right-click on OM6.16.app
choose Show Package Contents
and slip the file in the init folder.
Restart OM
Everything should be ok.

midi-bytes-fix.lisp (334 Bytes)

Karim!!! You are a legend!

That patch fixed it. Thank you!!!

Tried with “pitchwheel” function as per Tutorial 10 and with negative cents too. And tried with “MIDICONTROL” class too.


Thank you!
