I am currently working on a show with a solo theorbo and we intend to modify the sound of the instrument. We have a piezo for the captation of the sound of the strings and vibrators stuck in the inside to play back audio directly in the instrument.
One of the methods I’m interested in is tracking the pitch of the theorbo and control a VST instrument with the midi notes. I’ve tried the PitchTrack object of the Max4Live Pack and it was a mess. Given that the theorbo is playing the basso continuo and the melody at the same time, the tracking is really messy. I think that the mesotonic temperament it is tuned in also contribute to blur the boundaries of the pitches.
Would you happen to have an idea of which Max object I should try and how, in order to realize this ?
I work with windows 10, Max 8 and Ableton 10.
I hope this will catch the interest of some of you,