Dear developers,
Is it already possible to use the analyses values of pipo.peaks directly into mubu.additive?
If I understand correctly I will in the first place need phase information in order to do so and I don’t see how to extract that information in the pipo.peaks example nor an attribute that points me in the direction. Is there a way? Or would there be a way to generate the sound without phase information through mubu.additive? (like the way you can do it in gbr.addpartials)
Secondly I guess the index information that is present in the matrices in the mubu.additive help file is to keep the same (almost) peak frequencies from bin to bin together. Is pipo also able to generate this index information? And again does mubu.additive also has a mode where you don’t need this?
I could also ask this for the residual data, but for me that is less important at the moment.
Best, Hans.