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Pencil stroke error

I’m trying to use the harmonic pencil tool for filtering. When drawing multiple filters on top of each other and combining the single pencil tool, I get usually error in some point. I’m listening in “Pass” mode, tried to change the mode, but it didn’t have an affect. I’ve taken a screen capture of this error. This means also, that AS can’t process the treatment. Sometimes everything goes fine, but usually I get this same error.

I’m using AudioSculpt 3.3.4. Downloaded the newest version, but the error occurs. Am I doing something wrong?

Best wishes,
Maija Hynninen


Hi Maija,

Could you please send us the resulting Treatment file (.trt file).

For that,

  1. create your pencil filters
  2. do Menu > File > Save Treatments As

then attach the .trt file here so i can directly see what’s happening.
(zip it in case ForumNet does not allow you to upload it)

Best regards,

Thank you!

The file is attached.

Came to my mind, if I’ve several filters on top of each other, will they add up or does AS treat them as one filter?

Best wishes,


Again, zip-file…

Pencil_error.trt_.zip (4.17 KB)

Hi Maija,

Thx for the file,

i just looked at it and the problem comes from your first filter track, apparently from the first pencil filter.

So there is few bugs here we must correct: AS does not seem to aggregate correctly the different filters.

The first Pencil Stroke (see first top track) start from approx. 0.031 secs and finish at 0.148.
Try to extend it a little using the mouse (ex: try to make its end time at 0.150s or more) and relaunch the SVP play : it -should- not trigger the error anymore.

There is also a bug when you want to modify the pencil filters start/end/duration directly from the inspector.
That means we have 2 bugs to correct here :slight_smile:

Until we have a proper correction, if this kind of problem appear :

  1. try to find which filter is causing it (mute / demute each track separately)
  2. you can create a new track and move the pencil filter across the tracks using the MAJ button so it will keep the correct start/end time each time you drag the filter
  3. When you see which filter(s) is the cause, then try to move the start / end time a little and restart your process.

I’ll try to correct this problem as fast as possible.

Best wishes too,


Thank you so much! Good luck with the fix :slight_smile:

AS is one of my favourite tools, also using SuperVP in terminal and Max, of course. Didn’t yet look at the newest features. It gets better and better. Good job!

