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pd integration


I downloaded Antesfoco for Pure Data (0.42.5-extended) running on OSX 10.5.8.

I added antescofo~.pd_darwin and antescofo-help.pd in extra folder.

Opening antescofo-help.pd patch, antescofo~ @outlets notenum certainty object isn’t created.

What’s wrong?

Any compatibility with the OSX version or do i need to indicate a path/startup indication…?

Thanks for help.


Hello François.

This is most probably because the Pd version is for 10.6+ so it doesn’t work on 10.5! Someone else has just asked for a compatible 10.5 version so I’m going to try to do this tomorrow afternoon. Will keep you posted.

As i tried a version downloaded on a 10.6, and it worked without nothing special to do, i think you’re right.

It’s a system problem.

But don’t worry too much for a 10.5 version.

If i had time to renew all my software licences, i would have allready updated my system.

Untill there, i’ll work on another machine.

Thanks for your support,


The release archive downloads page might have an (old) 10.5 compatible version ?

@daan: I don’t believe that with version 0.8 and below there is any inconsistency with 10.5. However, starting the upcoming v0.9, we will remove support for OS 10.5 and move explicitly to 10.7+ since we are gradually moving to C++11.

The problem with Pd objects is mostly related to the Pd version you are using… . Use Pd-0.46 and above (I believe things have changed in the Pd core since 0.45). Note that in our experience, the most stable version of Pd is the Vanilla version by @millerpuckette.

Thanks, I didn’t see about Pd 0.46, I’ll try that out!

Hey Arshia
I’m trying to install antescofo in pure data, but somethings it’s wrong. Normally only need to include in extra folder de Antescofo elements (help, darwin…) no?

Here the message of pure data (i have tryed with PD-extended and vanilla, in many version) :
…Externals/Antescofo-Pd-OSX/antescofo~.pd_darwin: dlopen(/Users/januibe/Dropbox/Documents_Composition/Electro/Pure_Data/Externals/Antescofo-Pd-OSX/antescofo~.pd_darwin, 10): no suitable image found. Did find:
…Externals/Antescofo-Pd-OSX/antescofo~.pd_darwin: mach-o, but wrong architecture
antescofo~ @inlets miller mything hz
… couldn’t create
…Externals/Antescofo-Pd-OSX/antescofo~.pd_darwin: dlopen(/Users/januibe/Dropbox/Documents_Composition/Electro/Pure_Data/Externals/Antescofo-Pd-OSX/antescofo~.pd_darwin, 10): no suitable image found. Did find:
…Externals/Antescofo-Pd-OSX/antescofo~.pd_darwin: mach-o, but wrong architecture

antescofo~ @outlets notenum certainty
… couldn’t create

@Januibe: What is the OS you are using? and what version of Pd Venilla? Everyone should avoid using PD-extended for now. I know that the community is working on a new PD-Extended that is up to date with latest PD core.

OS 10.08.5
For Pd Vanilla I have tryied 0.43, 0.45, 0.46…

Just for info: @Januibe’s problem disappered when upgrading to a new version of Antescofo. This means that we will do a new intermediate release on Forumnet before this weekend, and before the major release of v0.9 expected in November.