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Paste snippet

I have a problem with paste snippet treatment:
I save this treatment like all the others, but when I open the saved treatment it often doesn’t play (specially if the audio file has more than one paste snippets). The snippet now is white, it has lost the musical content. Some times the problem could be resolved with moving the paste snippet: magically it became colored and it sounds. But in the most cases it doesn’t work.
I’m using Audiosculpt 3.3.4 with Yosemite.
best wishes,

Hi Mino93,

It may be that the snippet does not reload itself properly from the Treatment file. (The snippet has to be recalculated from the source sound file once it is loaded from the treatment file .trt)

Was this snippet created from the same source file or came from another sound file ?

Did you move any sound file that was the source of a snippet ?


The snippet was created from the same sound file and i didn’t move the any sound file…
I attach 3 pictures for clearness:

  1. is the original paste snippet treatment
  2. is the reloaded
  3. is the reloaded with a very little shift (which regenerate the snippet)

Another problem, as you can see, is that the reloaded paste snippet treatments are located in just one channel (the left)
Anywhere, shifting the snippets regenerate the sound. But now the snippets are just 10, if they would be 100 it will be very problematic…

sorry I’ve detached the first picture :slight_smile:

Hi Mino93,

OK so if you did not move the sound file then it is probably a bug.

Would it be possible for you to attach me your example (the .trt and the audio files concerned) ?

(Of course, if you prefer not to share those files at all, no problem, we’ll do similar tests at IRCAM.)

Best regards,

Of course!
I attach a casual example (it’s always the same thing independently of the file…) also with two pictures.

sorry an error with the attachments occurred…

I don’t know why it’s not possible attach the .trt file.
It should be, because the size of the .trt file is 19 KB.
But is the first time that i attach a .trt file and I don’t know if there is a special procedure.
Anyway, I’ve used We Transfer. I hope you’ll receive the files.
Again sorry.
Mino 93

Thanks a lot Mino93 !
You can attach the TRT probably if you zip (archive) it before. Otherwise, i do not think the server will accept this specific file.
For the WeTransfer, if you use the audiosculpt bug email (click to Menu > Report a Bug) then i should be able to get the file.
Thanks again for your help !
Best regards,

Hi Charles,
I’m not sure if you’ll receive the files with We Transfer.
I’ve sent to this email: audiosculpt-bugs@ircam.fr
I don’t know how to zip a .trt, could you help me?
best regards,

Ok now it should work,
Let’s try!
Mino 93

And here you have the two pictures of the original and reloaded .trt
best regards,
Mino 93

OK I’ve just downloaded the WeTransfer files.
Thanks a lot for the files !
I’ll look at it and try to fix it for the next release.

Hi Charles!
Any news? :slight_smile:
best wishes.
Mino 93

Hi Mino93,

Yes, a correction will come pretty much soon. (hope this week).


Hi Mino,

Would it possible for you to test the application and verify the correction of the snippets ?
If yes, then i will send you privately an URL to download this AudioSculpt pre-release.
Tell me .

Best regards

Hi Charles,
sorry but I can’t understand what I should do.
You’ve asked me to test the application to verify the snippets, but which application should I test?
My version of Audiosculpt 3.3.4 has, as you know, a bug. So obviously the snippets don’t work…
Probably there should be a link in your message with a test application of Audiosculpt, or something like that,
but I can’t find anything, sorry. :slight_smile:
Where is my mistake? Where I should find this link?

Hi Mino,

Sorry my disturbing answer, yes i asked if you are willing to test a development version of AudioSculpt (currently not available in the Forum, of course) :slight_smile:
The main purpose is to test if the patch does solve your issue on the snippets.
I just sent you a private message with the link.

Best regards,

Hi Charles,
because I’m not sure if you have received my mail I submit the same mail here with also the zip file.
"…of course now is better because the reloaded snippets sounds like the original.
The only problem is, as you can see in the pictures, that the snippets are
reloaded in only one channel…
Thanks a lot, best.


Hi Mino,

(no i have not received the other email)

Thanks a lot for your feedback for this version. So i am going to investigate the channel issue now.
I’ll give another beta as soon as possible to test if you do mind to give me some feedback on it.

Thanks again,
Best regards