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OSC problem


user of xp4l 1.20 here.

Mac OS 13.2.1, Max 8.5.5, Ableton 11.3.21

I can’t get the XP source to receive OSC messages. I watched the tuto on youtube (the Touch OSC one).

My max standalone is sending and receiving OSC the right way. But when I start Ableton the OSC messaging doesn’t work.

I have the feeling it’s a max for live problem.

I try to drive the x y z coordinates from unreal sending OSC. Again we know how to send and receive OSC data here, but in the source device it seems to be broken. I updated the devices, same problem…

Thanks in advance !

I have to precise the OSC output works perfectly (the position is sent as a xyz bundle that we receive in Touchdesigner).

Hi @mrlematt,

i think i answered you right? the osc in works as well, but there was indeed an unfortunate change in the address syntax. Please try the device we sent, and let us know.


Same problem here, I get the OSC out but can’t get the OSC in working… What is the right syntax for OSC in?


pouvez vous envoyer un email à support [at] xp4l [dot] com ?

on va faire un update qui integrera le correctif mentionné au dessus, mais entre temps on peut vous envoyer un device avec la modification,

C’est envoyé merci

on a rien reçu ! on a besoin de votre email pour vous envoyer le device,

louisrobert.bouchard [at] gmail [dot] com!



Et quelle sont les adresses OSC pour controller l’objet? Elles ne sont pas dans le manual…
