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Orchids With Screen Readers For the Blind

My name is Caglar Arsu. I am a blind classical composer. When I first heard about your revolutionary software Orchidée, I become so curious about two questions. First what is it all about, and more importantly, is it accessible for blind users. I have satisfied the answer of my first question by searching about it online but I have still no idea about my second question.
Since the first day I started my music education and career years ago, the most important obstacles I have run into have been the music software accessibility issues using with screen reader software designed for blind people such as Jaws for the Windows or Voice over for MAC.
As an example, the notation software Sibelius was made accessible for blind users only on the third version nearly in the year of 2003 and it was never further developed later on. The notation softwere Lime that I currently use is very limited for composers who adapted contemporary approach into their musical language. And no other notation software including Finale or Notion is even a question of accessibility.
And there are many other numberless examples.
By reaching you I would like to ask you two different questions. First is Orchidée accessible for blind users or it can be considered to be made accessible if it is already not?
Second and maybe more importantly, would that be any interest for people who created Orchidée to make existing music software fully accessible or create a completely new one from scratch?

I absolutely appreciate for any answer in advance.
May your research and development be productive and happy!
With my very best regards
Caglar Arsu

Dear Caglar,

Unfortunately, Orchids is indeed not yet accessible for blind users. The main problem is that we are very limited in fundings and there is currently no active developer on the software itself, while I am focusing on the research aspects of the orchestration project. We are trying to obtain funds from the French research agency to pursue the development, in which case we could look at this question that would be undeniably a great improvement to the software.

However, the interface itself is based on Max/Msp, so I do not know if “easy solutions” could be found if Max has some already implemented accessibility solutions ? Anyway, we would welcome any external participation or ideas to develop this solution.

All the best,

Dear Philippe,

First of all, I like to thank you so much for your kind message. It would be a big happiness if I can be a help in the subject.
To tell you the truth I do not really know much about Max/Msp platform even if I use it behind any application.
I use both Mac Pro with the screen reader called Voice Over and PC with the screen reader called Jaws for Windows. They are both excellent screen readers made for people who can not see the screen.
It might be worth giving a try to see up to what extend Orchids is possibly manageable without seeing the actual screen.
Is there a demo version of the software to try it out? It would not be so meaningful to buy the software and finding out nothing is actually accessible at the moment the software is installed.

With regards and thanks again

Dear Philippe,

First of all, I like to thank you so much for your kind message. It would be a big happiness if I can be a help in the subject.
To tell you the truth I do not really know much about Max/Msp platform even if I use it behind any application.
I use both Mac Pro with the screen reader called Voice Over and PC with the screen reader called Jaws for Windows. They are both excellent screen readers made for people who can not see the screen.
It might be worth giving a try to see up to what extend Orchids is possibly manageable without seeing the actual screen.
Is there a demo version of the software to try it out? It would not be so meaningful to buy the software and finding out nothing is actually accessible at the moment the software is installed.

With regards and thanks again