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Orchids - Version 0.9.2

Excellent news everyone, sorry to keep you waiting, but we have worked massively to produce a new version of Orchids, that should address the wide majority of problems with the previous one. Notably, there is a vast improvement to the accuracy of the solutions in both static and temporal modes. With the great help of Yan Maresz and Daniele Ghisi, we also addressed a lot of bugs and feature requests that were discussed in the forum. You can download the new installer version on forumnet, along with the new (cleaned and re-organized) sound database that should provide a way better system. Here is a list of features and enhancements for this version


  • Multi-threaded version (much faster operations)
  • User preferences are now in ~/Library/Application Support/Orchids 0.9.2 Preferences/
  • Moved analysis database in a user specific folder
    (now in ~/Library/Application Support/Orchids 0.9.2 Preferences/Database/)
    once the program is installed, you can reclaim 1,8 Go of space by deleting the following folder: /Applications/Orchids0.9.2.app/Contents/UserData/OrchidsDb_0.9.2)
  • Vastly improved accuracy of Search algorithms
  • Fixed diversity algorithms
  • Added "partial sparsity” option (correlation distance)
  • Updated to the latest Ircam Descriptors external
  • Back to the original, smaller (but also more incomplete) Ircam Studio Online sound database
  • Added ability to give presets names in every preset field
  • Removed “Quit” tab. we now use now standard application quit method.
  • Changed the naming convention for samples. We now use dash (-) as separator and underscore (_) as separator within playing techniques.
    So we now have : instruments-playing_technique-pitch-dynamic-free_infos.wav
  • Cb-harm_nat_gliss_med_up-N-p-1c.wav
  • Hp-buzz_pedal-B1-f.wav
  • Bn-blow_no_reed-A#1-mf=pp.wav
  • Note the presence of the character “N” that can be applied both for samples without pitch or dynamic info (if needed). If no dynamic and no pitch are present use : mysound-exemple-N-N.wav.
  • Also note the mf+pp that allows to describe a plying technique played mf resulting pp (this is also needed for our Loudness factor correction)

Analysis (& Solutions)

  • Change solution length with the duration field (right to the target)

Explorer & Database

  • New user folders import mechanism. Use folder hierarchy Instrument/playing technique(s) to import your own sounds into orchids.
  • The system can use automatic detection of Playing Technique if correct sound file naming is used (see naming convention for samples above)
  • A “remove folder” button has been added to delete a user imported folder
  • Possibility to disable autoplay when browsing database sounds
  • New backup system for database


  • Added list of available instruments in the filters
  • Added individual mutes to filters
  • Added the possibility to control the range of the note filters and also a checkbox to bypass it altogether
  • Fixed issue with pitch filtering


  • Updated reverb to ircam spat
  • Added solution mixer
  • Added loudness factor also for solutions playback
    Microtonal approximation is now saved along with preset


  • Added SDIF and MusicXML Import/Export
  • Solutions samples lengths are now adapted to target duration
  • Added a append (solution) to maquette (to send individual solutions one after the others in the maquette)
  • External Editor window now fits content to window size
    Improved Pareto front explorer with rSliders allowing user to zoom and navigate more easily in the solutions (command-click&drag to move, click&drag to zoom)
  • Solution number changed with numberbox or previous/next arrows is now reflected in Pareto front by a circle around the solution’s dot
  • Added tracks to folder export (export individual soundfiles from solutions)
  • Added a “mix” slider to listen to the solutions along with the target soundfile
  • Changed “static orchestration” checkbox to “Disregard Onsets”


  • Fixed copy copy/paste from solutions issues

Cheers Philippe,

I’ve downloaded the app, but I can’t launch it. Opening it I only get the message that the file is damaged and if I want to move it to the trash. I’m on OSX 10.11.4.

All the best,

Hi OrchidsUsers,

same problem of damaged file etc, on OS X 10.10.5, MacBook Pro, 16 GB, 2,5 GHz Intel Core i7.

A question : in Hamletic doubt I did not erase the old SOL_0.9_HQ, so I have two SOL_0.9_HQ (the new one is on desktop)



Thanks Diego. I have exactly the same issue here on a Mac Mini 2,8 GHz Core i5 running OSX 10.10.5.
And me too, I kept the old SOL in place, since it seems to be the same version as the new one.

Sorry for the setback, I actually have the same problem if I download it from the Forum, but not if I use the local version. So it seems that the download function from the Forum is corrupting the file somehow. I have removed the file, but we will settle that problem very fast :slight_smile:

Thanks Esling,

and regarding the old SOL, must be replaced by the new one… right ?



C’est curieux mais je n’ai pas le problème de corruption. J’ai un autre problème (voir capture d’écran) dans cet example, je n’ai que l’alto qui sonne et pas les autres instruments ! NB : j’utilise le même SOL que celui en ligne (a priori…)

Merci d’avance

……………………………………………………………………… jerome


J’ai remplacé mon ancien dossier SOL_0.9_HQ par celui qui est en ligne! It works! Pourtant le mien n’était pas si vieux et portait le même nom :slight_smile:

Hi Phillipe. I downloaded Orchids 9.2 again but I still get a corrupted file. Is there any chance that the download issue is solved soon? Thanks, JB

@esling is simply mistaken. The problem has nothing to do with forumnet corrupting anything, but the fact that the application isn’t signed. To fix the problem, open the System Preferences and in the security options, disable GateKeeper.

That’s right, EJ. I had a hunch that it was not a corrupted file, but simply trying to open with “right-click > open” did not work, however, your method does. Thanks a lot!

Great, thanks for confirming. I would also recommend you use the little script that is in the dmg to download the database, because it’s a different one that with the version 0.9.1. The script will resume the download if for some reason the connection fails (so you save time and bandwidth).

Yes! A first tryout of MusicXML export works great! Bless you, Philippe, Daniele & crew!. I’m very excited.

great EJ !

Gatekeeper off: it worked to me too, so I can open Orchids 0.9.2.

So you also confirm that we must replace the old database with the new one…I proceed to do it.

( ‘philosophical’ question: can’t understand why the message was about ‘corrupted file’ and not about 'unsigned application)



Dear Diego,

This is Apple… You are right, the file (First of all it is ntot a file,…), and it is not corrupted. The only thing that apple wants is to control applications thru the “GateKeeper” police. SO if you want to install a 3rd party application not signed with an apple visa, you will get this message if you don’t disactivate gatekeeper.
That’s all.
My advice, is to disactivate it when you are sure it is a safe application (not a malware), then put it back this won’t hurt.
I personaly disactivate it all the time, and use linux instead (:-))

Hi fellows,

You MUST download the new version of the database. If you have an older folder which is called « SOL_0.9_HQ » consider it as obsolete !

As it’s written in the release notes : « Back to the original, smaller (but also more incomplete) Ircam Studio Online sound database »

Only the name of the folders are the same !


………………………………………… jerome

thanks Karim,

I see … it is about boundaries, as between safety and control.
But: is there a version of Orchids for Linux?


No unfortunately …

Dear Karim,

3 beginner questions:

I was able to download Orchisd=0.9.2, following your instructions avoiding Apple dificulties, but I have 3 questions now:
1: from where download the fonts for the Bach interface? (required in the documentation with no further explanation).
2. More important: when I try to expand SOL zip I got a message saying: “Unable to expande “SOL_HQ.zip” into downloads (Error 2 - No such file or directory.)”.
Therefore where I should do it? I’ve tryied from the desktop and from an external disk where it is already the previous version of SOL. Should I send it to trash before expanding the new zip? Or what else?

Thanks a lot

Dear all,
I have trouble getting the Autopilot to work. I especially loaded a short target of 0.7 seconds. Orchids then starts the task but shows the spinning wheel forever. The app does not crash, however. Any ideas?
Thanks, Jan-Bas