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Orchids refuses to start at all

Dear Forum,

Orchids at startup refuses to open.
I am admin. It does not try to open any of the Max-Versions on my computer. It should start in 32-bit mode.
My MacBook :
Modell-Identifizierung: MacBookPro11,3
Prozessortyp: Intel Core i7
Prozessorgeschwindigkeit: 2,8 GHz
Anzahl der Prozessoren: 1
Gesamtanzahl der Kerne: 4
L2-Cache (pro Kern): 256 KB
L3-Cache: 6 MB
Speicher: 16 GB
Boot-ROM-Version: MBP112.0138.B14

I’m on OS 10.10.2
Attached you find the diagnostic report.

Thanks for helping,

Dear Andreas,

Sorry to hear about this unfortunate crash, we had extremely few (two) reports of problems at startup, and in both cases the problems were traced to something external to Orchids. In the two previous cases the solutions were :
1- To re-install the latest version of the Bach library (http://www.bachproject.net/download)
2- To check interference with Max/Msp at startup

If these two solutions still do not provide an answer, you can start the C++ server manually by going (in a Terminal) to :
cd Orchids0.9.1.app/Contents/Database
Then launching
And then clicking on the app
(and if the app still not start, could you please copy-paste the output written on the terminal here, it will help me narrow down your problem).

All the best,

Dear Philippe,

thanks for your hints.
I have the newest Bach-Version installed, although I do not understand how this matters, as the app does not try to startup Max6…?
No interferences with Max (versions 5/6/7) at startup.
The terminal gives me the following message:

[Mac-6c4008bc3b7c:~] abreitscheid% /Applications/Orchids0.9.1.app/Contents/Database/Search ; exit;
Running OSC server
Berkeley DB message: BDB2525 No log files found
Constructing knowledge : name
Constructing knowledge : instrument
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::logic_error: basic_string::_S_construct NULL not valid

Does that tell you anything ?


P.S.: Did you receive the attached ( first posting ) crash log ?

Dear Andreas,

I tried several ways this week to be able to reproduce your error, but I just can’t on my machine. My best guess right now is that your SDK libs for the C++ runtime (ie. the “system backbone” for running a C++ code) is following the new ugly “LLVM” framework from Apple. They really did some strange turnarounds to both the C++ compiler and the corresponding libraries (most of my code won’t compile because Apple just decided to drop some of the most used code librairies like OpenMP), and after checkup, seems like everybody agrees that the “Yosemite” distribution is failing in every aspect :slight_smile:

Anyway, the only solution I have to offer you right now would be to try to switch back your C++ libraries to the 10.9 version (I have attached those gems to this post). But please be sure to keep a copy of your current version somewhere. So you have to download the 2 .dylib that I attached and then do
cp /usr/lib/libc++* ~/SAVE_FOLDER_FOR_DYLIB
sudo cp ~/WHERE_YOU_DOWNLOADED_FILES/*.dylib /usr/lib/

If this still not allow the program to run on your computer, you can put the old dylib back and I will work on producing a distribution specifically to your OS/Architecture.

All the best,

Dear Phillip,

thanks for your reply. But sorry, can’t find the attachement…???


Dear Phillip,

thanks for your reply. But sorry, can’t find the attachment…???


Hey, i have approximately the same config (with less RAM probably ?) and same problem. Attached are crash reports and a copy of the Console output (better too much than not enough right ?..)

orchidcrashconsoleoutput.txt (14.2 KB)

so i’m not sure you can attach more than ond file per post, the crash reports archived here

orchidcrashreports.zip (60.5 KB)

Dear Philippe,

<If this still not allow the program to run on your computer, you can put the old dylib back and I will work on producing a distribution specifically to your OS/Architecture.>

Well, as it seems that I am not the only one who has problems with this, I think the best solution for all would be if you could be so kind and try to produce a special edition for Yosemite users , as you kindly offered.That could solve the problem for all Yosemite -users.

Thanks in advance and
All the best

Dear Philippe,

Thanks , I downloaded the files. But , … sorry, as I am not a developer…,I did not find the C++ libraries you where talking about, where do they live in my system? , so I can save the old and exchange the ones you’ve sent. . [ I’m not that practical with Unix… ;-( ]


Hey Philippe,
I jsut tried to launch Orchid manually, and got that output form the terminal :

MBP-de-Victor:Database victorhug$ ./Search  
Running OSC server  
Constructing knowledge : name  
Constructing knowledge : instrument  
Constructing knowledge : note  
Constructing knowledge : dynamics  
Constructing knowledge : playingStyle  
Constructing knowledge : stringMute  
Constructing knowledge : brassMute  
Constructing knowledge : family  
Constructing knowledge : duration  
Constructing knowledge : MIDIcent  
Constructing knowledge : EnergyEnvelope  
Constructing knowledge : EnergyEnvelopeMean  
Constructing knowledge : FundamentalFrequency  
Constructing knowledge : FundamentalFrequencyMean  
Constructing knowledge : HarmonicEnergy  
Constructing knowledge : HarmonicEnergyMean  
Constructing knowledge : Inharmonicity  
Constructing knowledge : InharmonicityMean  
Constructing knowledge : Loudness  
Constructing knowledge : LoudnessMean  
Constructing knowledge : NoiseEnergy  
Constructing knowledge : NoiseEnergyMean  
Constructing knowledge : Noisiness  
Constructing knowledge : NoisinessMean  
Constructing knowledge : PerceptualOddToEvenRatio  
Constructing knowledge : PerceptualOddToEvenRatioMean  
Constructing knowledge : Sharpness  
Constructing knowledge : SharpnessMean  
Constructing knowledge : SignalZeroCrossingRate  
Constructing knowledge : SignalZeroCrossingRateMean  
Constructing knowledge : SpectralCentroid  
Constructing knowledge : SpectralCentroidMean  
Constructing knowledge : SpectralDecrease  
Constructing knowledge : SpectralDecreaseMean  
Constructing knowledge : SpectralKurtosis  
Constructing knowledge : SpectralKurtosisMean  
Constructing knowledge : SpectralRolloff  
Constructing knowledge : SpectralRolloffMean  
Constructing knowledge : SpectralSkewness  
Constructing knowledge : SpectralSkewnessMean  
Constructing knowledge : SpectralSlope  
Constructing knowledge : SpectralSlopeMean  
Constructing knowledge : SpectralSpread  
Constructing knowledge : SpectralSpreadMean  
Constructing knowledge : SpectralVariation  
Constructing knowledge : SpectralVariationMean  
Constructing knowledge : Spread  
Constructing knowledge : SpreadMean  
Constructing knowledge : TotalEnergy  
Constructing knowledge : TotalEnergyMean  
Constructing knowledge : PartialsFrequency  
Constructing knowledge : PartialsAmplitude  
Constructing knowledge : PartialsMeanFrequency  
Constructing knowledge : PartialsMeanAmplitude  
Constructing knowledge : PartialsEnergy  
Constructing knowledge : PartialsMeanEnergy  
Constructing knowledge : LoudnessFactor  
Constructing knowledge : MelAmplitude  
Constructing knowledge : MelMeanAmplitude  
Constructing knowledge : MelEnergy  
Constructing knowledge : MelMeanEnergy  
Constructing knowledge : source  
Analysis: IRCAMDescriptor  
* Preparing configuration file  
* Processing /tmp/analysisTarget.wav  
(c) IRCAM, 2008-2012   

Sound file I/O using libsndfile libsndfile-1.0.17patchb,  
  Copyright Erik de Castro Lopo, licenced under the GNU LGPL  
  (see http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile or libsndfile.License)  

version: 2.7.0  
release: Jul 23 2012  

file      : /tmp/analysisTarget.wav  
channel(s): 1  
sr        : 44100 Hz  
samples   : 44100 per channel  

computing data...  
saving data...  

performance time: 0.08 sec.  
* Reading SDIF descriptors headers: /tmp/analysisTarget.wav.descr.sdif  
* Modifying descriptors structure  
Computing ADSR...  
Analysis : Main partials analysis  
Pm2 Partial Analysis Processing...  
total time = 0.03 seconds  
Analysis : Mel band analysis  
End Analysis  
Resampling features...  

and it is hanging there - which might be normal, but then i tried to open the Orchids app, which immediately crashed. There doesn’t seem to be a conflict with Max here. I didn’t try the other solution yet, but :
Would the operation you are suggesting to switch the c++ libraries to those of 10.9 involve every c++ linked applicaiton ? Because to be honest, i would rather not do that…

Dear Vichug,

In your case changing the C++ libs won’t do anything, as it appears that you clearly do not have the same problem ! (the entire C++ server is launching correctly and the output you have is actually the perfect one). So in your case, it seems to be a problem unrelated to the Orchids app. However, you problem might be the same as someone else that have resolved this by re-installing the latest Bach distribution (and in case contacting Daniele Ghisi as it seems like this is purely an interface problem)

All the best,

I reinstalled the latest Bach distribution, and things have changed : now Orchids doesn’t refuse to start, but crashes at startup. The second time i start Orchids after that, it hangs at startup and doesn’t start. Is is strange that it’s linked to the Bach library however, because i can use Bach objects inside Max with no problem apparently. Attached is crashlog in case it’s of use.

aarr i can’t seem to attach the file

edit : maybe the file name must be not too long or not contain certain characters ? seems to be ok now anyway

orchidscrashlog.zip (8.15 KB)

After the advice of Daniele ; i moved my bach package form ~/Documents/Max/Packages to Applications/Max 6.1/Packages, and … it starts ! Seems to be purely max-side related then, do you think it would be useful to report the issue to Cycling ?

Dear all,

same procedure proposed by VICHUG solved the problem also for me ( without dealing with the libc++s…)
Thanks VICHUG !!!

well, gotta thank Daniele Ghisi :slight_smile: hth anyway

hi Philippe, everybody,

I just downloaded the last orchis version… and I can’t start it at all…
I just tool a look to the previous discussion, and soory it seems it dos not help…

may be a look in the crashlog could help you ??



hi Philippe,

After waiting for two months for an answer… :(((
I downloaded the last orchis version yesterday, again… and I could not start it at all, again…
looking at the previous discussion, and tried to use the work around you proposed philip…

I don’t know if someone else tried it…


dowloading the two .dll,

putting it in the WHERE_YOU_DOWNLOADED_FILES folder

running these two lines

cp /usr/lib/libc++* ~/SAVE_FOLDER_FOR_DYLIB
sudo cp ~/WHERE_YOU_DOWNLOADED_FILES/*.dylib /usr/lib/

restarting the computer…

Double-clicking on orchids.app

the finder and my computer crashed, (I was on yosemite 10.10.3) I could not restart.

it is working now (my computer, not orchids)

All of this just to say that this work around could be very very annoying…
and still not being an answer…

I suggest to anyone have not tried it, do not try this work around


Dear Mikhail,

Sorry it seems that your first post slipped my mail so I never got a chance to see it before.

The problem of “Orchids not starting at all” has always boiled down to a single reason : Bach. (still not a single instance of this problem not solved by changing things with Bach).

From what I have heard, there are several ways to avoid Bach to make Orchids crash :

  1. Re-install the latest Bach release
  2. Check for Max interference (various versions)
  3. Moving the Bach package form ~/Documents/Max/Packages to Applications/Max 6.1/Packages

Have you tried all these ? If so, what you can do to make sure of the origin of that problem is

  1. Open a Terminal and go to :
    cd /Applications/Orchids0.9.1.app/Contents/Database/
  2. Launch the C++ server by simply typing
  3. Double-click the Orchids.app

If the server (in Terminal) is outputing the exact same thing as is posted in the previous post (by Vichug on Feb 15, 2015 AT 18:59), then it means that Orchids is working all well, so the problem is indeed Max or Bach related. If not, please post the output here and I will monitor for your response quickly.

All the best,