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Orchidea - Error with exporting XML file

I’ve got a problem with exporting XML files from Orchidea (Stand alone v.0.6.1, mac OS 12.1).
Some time ago, after opening the XML file in Finale, the error appeared occasionally so I had to export the solution once again and usually it worked. At the moment, the error appears every time, saying:

'XML error in file /Users/piotrpeszat/Desktop/01.musicxml at line 28:
cvc-complex-type.2.4.b: The content of element ‘part’ is not complete. One of ‘{measure}’ is expected."

" XML error in file /Users/piotrpeszat/Desktop/01.musicxml at line 30:
cvc-complex-type.2.4.b: The content of element ‘part’ is not complete. One of ‘{measure}’ is expected."

I’ve tried:

  • Orchidea Max Package - with the same error result
  • another computer with an older OS
  • I’ve reinstalled Bach, Cage, Dada Packages for Max

I cannot upload attachments, so here’s a link to a Dropbox with a .musicxml file exported from Orchidea: Dropbox - 01.musicxml - Simplify your life

Thanks for your help!

Hi Piotr,

XML export is a feature of Bach, of the bach.score object. I have no problem but I can see that your MXML is corrupted. Install the Bach, Cage, and Dada versions from package manager, maybe that will fix your problem.

I just did a test with MuseScore and everything is ok. But I’m using the new version v 0.7.1 available in standalone. Here

Tell me if it persists…

But post this on the MaxOrch forum because orchidea is dedicated to another software.



Untitled.musicxml (1,1 Mo)