I would like to open a subject concerning the possibility to use Orchidea in electroacoustic.
I will first try to lay out general questions about an uncertain approach and then post a link to a screen video capture of some experimentation with the Orchidea package and other helpful programming modules.
Well my first question is straight forward :
What can I do with Orchidea once I know that I am not an orchestrator ?
To answer this question, first I need to know what Orchidea can do !
So I began my journey into the unknown… exactly here Yan Maresz. Compositional approaches
This is what we might call an empirical approach. All these strategies, problems, responsibilities, questions ! What a wonder !
Hold on… did you hear that at 21’55" !? The maestro talks about the use of Orchidea in electroacoustic creation ? Oh no is it already the end of the conference ?
Well it sounds promising and yes things can be done with Orchidea besides orchestration.
But what kind of things ? Personnal Databases ? Concrete sounds ? Aimed targets ? Sound textures ? How to implement the tools for that ?
And here comes another unbelievable set of many-folded modules and tutorials with the Orchidea package. Very well organised and documented by the developers and the cherry on the cake, we can find a very robust workspace template at the end of the Building a workspace tutorial !
While slowly wandering through the tutorials and the modules I had some insights, but what for ?
Am I quite certain to find an electroacoustic process strategy without an intended use or application i.e. an idea of what I want to do or the aim of that idea and how to reach it ?
Well I must confess that I have a mixed piece going on, suffice to say that it is supposed to occur, one day, in an abandoned church at the periphery of 9 touristic churches and cathedrals, in a medieval city. Our aim is to make it resonate !
So here is a first attempt to tame Orchidea. Others will hopefully follow
Cheers !
N.B. No patch upload for the moment.