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Orchidea command line tools for Linux


Is it possible to get compiled (or source) version of 0.3/0.6 command line tool(s), to compile in Linux ? I have used command line version in Mac, and would be interested to use in Linux too, it seems that the only files to run are ‘orchestrate’, liborchidea.a (and/or dynamic library), static and dynamic config-files, and of course (Tiny)SOL-database.

Thanks !

Best, Jukka

hi Jukka

the Orchidea code will go open source soon. I always planned to make a compiled version for linux and windows of the command line tools but I’ve not available machines for me.
I plan to do it, however.

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Hi Carmine,

Good to know, thanks :slight_smile: !

just in case this is still an issue: the OMOrch lib omorch @ github includes the cli-tools of orchidea compiled for Linux.

If you want to compile them from orchidea’s sources, there are 2 very minor additions (missing includes) to make the programs compile. Send me a note if you’re interested.