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Orchestrating with multiphonics

I’ve noticed that when I exclude all filter criteria in SOL except for “Multiple Sounds” or its subfolder “mul,” I can no longer orchestrate. Usually the orchestrator gets stuck on “Evaluating subspaces,” or sometimes displays “Empty Search Space.” Is there a reason, some way multiphonics have different analysis data perhaps? Or a bug regarding naming conventions, when using multiple pitches (“A#5_C#6”)? Thanks…

Hi Chris,
I don’t know about your specific situation but a similar thing happened to me when I updated the software but didn’t delete the old SOL folder. What happened was there was a Berkeley DB conflict. Did you check what messages you have in the Max window?

Thanks, Eren. I’m pointed to the new SOL here; there shouldn’t be conflicts…

Below is what I see in the Max window when I try to orchestrate for 2 clarinets with only “mul” selected in the filters. Have tried also changing targets and search criteria, but the result is always similar (though theoretically, the targets are also included in the database, so they should at least find those!)…

Do you manage to get solutions with “mul” elements included sometimes?

Many thanks – Christopher

SentToServer: /Orchids/orchestrate
Shell: Preparing search spaces : ClBb
Shell: Query: instrument REGEXP ClBb
Shell: Query: note REGEXP A#6+1.4|A#7|A6|A7+3.8|B6|C7|F4|G#7|G7
Shell: Query: playingStyle REGEXP mul
Shell: Query: MIDIcent BETWEEN 2100.000000 10800.000000
Shell: Query: source REGEXP SOL
Shell: Preparing search spaces : ClBb
Shell: Query: instrument REGEXP ClBb
Shell: Query: note REGEXP A#6+1.4|A#7|A6|A7+3.8|B6|C7|F4|G#7|G7
Shell: Query: playingStyle REGEXP mul
Shell: Query: MIDIcent BETWEEN 2100.000000 10800.000000
Shell: Query: source REGEXP SOL
ReceivedFromServer: /Orchids/reply/Error Production::emptySearchSpace, Search space is empty ! Check filters and orchestra
Shell: Production::emptySearchSpace, Search space is empty ! Check filters and orchestra
WhatsOK: /Orchids/orchestrate
QUEUE: null

Still looking for information about orchestrating with multiphonics. Any leads would be appreciated! And also, to know: Has anyone managed to get solutions that contain multiphonics?

Details repeated below; many thanks!
I’ve noticed that when I exclude all filter criteria in SOL except for “Multiple Sounds” or its subfolder “mul,” I can no longer orchestrate. Usually the orchestrator gets stuck on “Evaluating subspaces,” or sometimes displays “Empty Search Space.” Is there a reason, some way multiphonics have different analysis data perhaps? Or a bug regarding naming conventions, when using multiple pitches (“A#5_C#6″)? Thanks…

Dear Christopher,

I’m so sorry that you don’t receive any answer from Ircam for this issue.
I have no idea why it does not work.

I successfully did some work with multiphonics but this was done on a external set of sounds (Virtual Orchestra) mainly because the fingerings for the SOL multiphoncs were long lost…
I used the multiphonics to “harmonically” match my target which was made of sine waves chords (I was not interested in timbre but only by the harmonic content)

All the best

Hey Yan — Thanks so much. I’m trying to import VO multiphonics also, in fact. But I notice these are named differently, without pitch content in the file names, so I wonder if there is a difference in how they are indexed for searching.

When you do a “harmonic” match only, no timbre criteria, which descriptors exactly do you check? That might be a good starting point for me to keep testing…

Thanks again — Christopher


The naming is not of any use this case. You can’t use any symbolic filters on external sounds that do not match naming convention etc…
I use an external text file that has the correspondance between the name of any VO multiphonic sound and the picture of it’s related fingering.
I use them exclusively for their spectral content so I mainly use “Partials” (mean) and “Spectral Centroid” (mean). I think I tried with Mel (Mean) also…

A folder of an instrument multiphonics is an “instrument” in the sense of Orchids.

So my filters are excluding all other instruments (except bass in this case to match the fundamentals)

The results are very very good.

