i’ve downloaded the new version of Antescofo, that seems to work correctly with my MAx 6.1.9 patch.
But i can’t open anymore Ascograph…
The Max window :
antescofo~: AscoGraph is ON with remote host: localhost, remote port: 6789, port receive 5678 .
open -a “/Applications/Max 6.1/packages/ircam-antescofo/externals/Ascograph.app/Contents/MacOS/Ascograph” --args --score “/Users/henrialgadafe/Documents/Sons/Max libraries/patch henri/Les ames errantes/lesameserrantesII.txt” -x 14 -y 60 -W 1397 -H 947 --showtoppanel
In the attachment the report problem.
Thanks for all
PS : iMac OSX 10.8.5